Hey at least she isn’t a female DiCaprio. Most men aren’t a DiCaprio.
She needs one so she can write the next brake up song.
The restricted view seat of TayTays MCG #2 show.
Tbh it’s a bit emotional seeing the G’ like this and especially last night playing in front of her biggest crowd of 96,000 of her career.
An amazing stadium.
Thia week has been horrible but the sad case of the Victorian mother that went missing on a jog three weeks ago and possibly now looking at foul play, saddens me.
Why do humans do this ?
Then this week the horrible murders of Jessie Baird and his boyfriend by an ex lover cop makes me question a lot of things including the Police force and the receuitment process ,especially the psychological aspect. Maybe it is because I turning 40 and questioning a lot of things ans being an older gay men, I fear and mistrust the police. I can only imagine how much friends, family ans colleagues at Qantas and Network 10 are feeling right now.
I think for my own sanity i need to stay away from these cases and let myself not just get so much tangled up with what ifs.
Thank god I have a counselling next week.
How is everyone else doing ?
Got my wisdom teeth out (36 turning 37 this year) last Tuesday under local anaesthetic. Top two came out fast but the bottom ones…
One he said to leave as it is too risky and close to a nerve and as under the gum completely not likely to cause a problem
The other was partially showing and he had to cut it out and drill it .
Drill was annoying more than “scary” . Felt some pressure. Got a heap of stitches.
Ate soup for a week but could eat normally i think after about 3 days . Didn’t swell up … although it did go red around the area for 2 days in my mouth. Stitches are still there today Day 8 . They look stained from being bloody (brown ) .
Pain was minimal just a slight ache that went away for a few days but then came back yesterday and the day before but seems fine today . Goes away with Paracetamol or Ibuproften.
Oh yeah it took 3 and a bit days for the blood to stop oozing and tasting blood. Woke up 2 nights with a bit of blood on the pillow (good thing i put a towel down).
Cost me $1147 but with NIB Extras i only paid $487 which was good. All done in an hour.
I am rinsing (tip head side to side) with Curasept 2 times a day for 10 days.
I said it was quick guess my bone is not that hard ? Guess I’m still "young " for getting it out … though not a teenager.
Damn it is expensive going to the dentist if you paid full price for that and the last visit i had a checkup , clean , xrays and opg looking at about $1700 . No wonder people cannot afford the dentist.
NIB Extras is only $15 a fortnight but is good value.
I think two root canals and crowns all up cost me $4k and that was nearly 20 years ago now.
Not cheap is an understatement.
I don’t go to the dentist as often as I should because of cost too,and I wouldn’t be the only one😕
Maybe I’m eligible to go to a public dental clinic now that I’m receiving Centrelink ,I would have to find out ,or maybe it’s only pensioners who are eligible
I am looking at private health cover for both Dental and hospital. I do need to get my teeth cleaned and some fixed right at the back, but it is very hard when you only a set minimal income per fortnight.
I’m with Defence Health and it’s great if you’re able to obtain it
Got my wisdom teeth and a few late baby teeth out when I was around 16 they told me swelling would last about a week - I reached the maximum swelling after about 10 days and was still swollen after 2 weeks. For a while there my face was all yellow and I looked like a Simpsons character. Had a friend who had her teeth out and then no swelling and was back at work that afternoon with a couple of normal panadol!
Got my wisdom teeth out when I was 17. Only due to a Xray I had, it turned out my wisdom teeth were all on a angle (not through) so out they came.
$1,147 is great. I paid about $4k for mine from memory, and that was 15 years ago. I had to go under general anaesthetic for mine though.
Happy Leap Day!
Today is a special day for anyone born on 29 February, who only get to have their birthday on the correct day once every 4 years
Or those who were married on this day and celebrate their anniversary like my parents. My father always jokes that he doesn’t need to buy any presents or celebrate it because most years they don’t have an anniversary day. No excuse this year.
Too bad the ageing process doesnt stop.to pause every four years.
Haha thats gold Jbar.
What is the laws against topless bathing in Qld
I think it is odd for a woman to be sitting upright topless as you go down the beach and a family with small lids walks right past…i mean she had her back to them but still did not bother covering up.She was also swimming nearby to them i saw them move slighty…i was walking the dog at 5pm.
Serms to be there every 2vweeks just walks around in the bikini bottom looks 20 something tatts all on back.
If it was a guy with no pants on people would say something but no one said a thing.
I know in Europe this is totally nothing but i thought it was illegal in Qld … it is not a nude beach.
Not a complaint just curious…
How many men did you see who were also topless?
It would only be a big deal to kids if you make it a big deal (like America does) hence why it’s no big deal in Europe and it makes no significant effect on children.
But to answer your question. No.
Obviously an attention seeker.
Interesting you keep noticing this person.
Move on and get a life, I’d suggest. Boobs are there to feed children they’re not genitals.
Topless sunbathing on beaches is legal in most of Australia. It’s totally nothing on Sydney beaches I visit and it always has been. Strange to hear Queensland is still so backward.