Random Thread

I hate shopping with a passion. I know females are meant to enjoy retail therapy but I couldn’t think of anything worse. If I have to go shopping I go early, get it done as fast as possible and get out, which is what I did this morning when I had to go to Chaddy. I made multiple purchases and was out of there before 10am.

Clearly I don’t go shopping enough, because when I got to my car I checked my phone and I’d received a text from my bank, informing me they’d detected ‘unusual activity’ on my credit card! :laughing: :laughing:


The only thing I like shopping for are gadgets and CDs/Blu Ray Discs.

I prefer grocery shopping to clothes shopping, as I don’t have to try the groceries on before I buy!

Even though I like cars, I don’t enjoy shopping for a new car…

weirdly i’m not a fan of shopping at all normally, but when overseas i enjoy going to a supermarket. I’m heading to london in September and i’ll be staying near the westfield at shepherd’s bush (the largest shopping centre in europe - 240,000 sq metres) and i could see myself spending a day just browsing as its a good way to understand the culture

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Westfield London? It’s a great shopping centre, I was there in 2012.

yeah thats the one

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In 2002 I visited a friend in San Jose. She had to work on the first day and suggested that she could leave me at the shopping centre all day. To me that would be hell, so she left me at her place and I spent all day flicking between their 99 television channels! (At the time we only had 5 channels in Australia). I was amazed at the variety and very envious that we didn’t have this in Australia.


I actually prefer going out and shopping instead of shopping online - good excuse to get some lunch while you’re there, and you actually get to see the product before you buy instead of looking at pictures of it online

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Agree, the only time i buy something online is if i can’t buy it locally.

And I’m also then supporting local people and local jobs… And there’s after sales support if there’s any problems.

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you won’t get much culture from a westfield, it looks much like Chadstone or any other.


You were all very kind when I penned this comment in December, so I thought I’d give you all a little update.

Picking up from where I left off - I asked for a three month lead-in time which was granted. Thing is, I’m still here! Not for much longer though - removalists are coming this week to pack my stuff, and I’m going to book flights and accommodation tomorrow. I’m hopefully going to depart over the long weekend or early next week. To answer my own questions:

  • I sold my car
  • My super will stay put. The life insurance associated with my super will lapse if I don’t make contributions for 12 months, so I need to make sure I put in at least some amount of money to keep everything current
  • I’m switching my phone number to a long-term prepaid plan and will get a new number once I touch down. Work is issuing me an iPhone, so that at least bridges the gap between when I arrive and when I can get a phone number

I’m moving forward with trepidation, pretty nervous as you can imagine. I’m also constantly paranoid that I’ve forgotten to submit something or fill something in - my visa was delayed for about 3 weeks because I couldn’t get an answer on whether I needed to send my documents, and if so, to where.

In the meantime, I’ve started working from home. My team all seem lovely and I’m looking very forward to meeting them in person. The work seems genuinely engaging and exciting - to be honest, I’d forgotten how that felt! I’m not crazy about the time difference though - to work 8am to 11:30am US Eastern Standard Time, I’m working 10pm - 1:30am here.

Over the course of this week I’ll have the last of the loose ends to tie up (and of loose ends, there are plenty). Flyout is coming up fast, so I guess the only thing to do is hook in and do it!


Good luck with everything for the move and the new job! :slight_smile:


The majority of MediaSpy users after the most anticipated 7NEWS relaunch in years has finally occured:

giphy (5)


Post Relaunch hibernation time


Post Relaunch Withdrawal kicks in.


now we wait for the most anticipated BBC News relaunch :sweat_smile:



So I feel like my mental health has taken a drag since the invasion in Ukraine and been worries. About family members (don’t worry I managed to get in contact with them!) But my anxkrt and depression has been not great and neither has my behaviour on Media Spy , so one of my goals I am working with my therapist is to take a break from posting on forums and spend time back in the community. After being in for isolation for a long time it’s going to be nerve wrecking venturing out to the main city centre rather than just my local shops.

Ill still be around as a mullet just browsing topics that I am interested in (most likely not logged in, as the temptation to post is too great) so it’s not a permanent goodbye, just a goodbye for now.

Hoping for better weeks to come and hopefully a labour outcome in the federal election!

Your favourite hair style


Good luck with everything!


From wikipedia:

In publishing and graphic design, Lorem ipsum is a placeholder text commonly used to demonstrate the visual form of a document or a typeface without relying on meaningful content. Lorem ipsum may be used as a placeholder before final copy is available.