Random Thread

When trying to get caps or recordings I’ll usually view the file list from Windows Media Player as that lists all the files as some of the recent recordings will appear in the file list as a 0kb size but they are actually there. Not sure why, but they’re like that for about 24 hours or so.
I can right click on the file in the list to get the full file path and then I can open it up in either VLC for getting screenshots or recording or into OBS Studio

Open Broadcaster Software | OBS (obsproject.com)

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Shit like this makes me so grateful to be off Facebook. Glad to see I’m not missing anything of value.

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The Guardian with two typos in the one headline :scream:

Good on them for publishing the letter :wink:


I had to go to Twitter to get an explanation!

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Some people are very clever.


… while others are just “cults” :rofl:

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Who wants to join my cult? :stuck_out_tongue:

You’d ruin everything


How? I’d make a stonking cult leader! :rofl:

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Two typos again? :stuck_out_tongue:


No! Imagine me as a cult leader…I’d lead you into a life of never ending happiness and wealth surrounded with all the beautiful people you could bonk on the planet Heaventopia. :rofl:

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… you should apply for the gig of leader of the Greens :rofl:

Most cult leaders are sex perverts. Tread carefully.

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Better still, leader of the NSW Labor Party… a rabble that could use a few heads being kicked.

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Nah. If I wanted to lead a political party, it has to be with me as dictator. You’d love me as a dictator. :wink:

Well that’s not me. :wink:

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thats an open goal from two feet in front!

I’ve heard the beaches were nice in Broken Hill.


It could happen if SA gets into strife with COVID, so DON’T touch that football Crows supporters!


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I’m Spartacus!