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Better still, leader of the NSW Labor Party… a rabble that could use a few heads being kicked.

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Nah. If I wanted to lead a political party, it has to be with me as dictator. You’d love me as a dictator. :wink:

Well that’s not me. :wink:

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thats an open goal from two feet in front!

I’ve heard the beaches were nice in Broken Hill.


It could happen if SA gets into strife with COVID, so DON’T touch that football Crows supporters!


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I’m Spartacus!

I remember paying a bucket load on dues with the Teachers’ Union and when I actually needed help they couldn’t. :man_shrugging: It just accelerated my departure from the profession.

Amen sir/madam/whatever you choose to identify as. They actually got kids to walk out of class for climate change marches - erm…no. My dues do not pay for you to encourage kids to walk out of class.

I do respect the role of unions in general, but inside it’s freaking rotten.

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Not sure what that’s got to do with anything.


Fostering that kind of attitude, sounds like they are hard left politically.

Read the next quote…

Yep. Often they carry on with other causes that aren’t really related to their core function. Like supporting kids walking out of class.

If kids want to protest…do it on the weekend.

Often they sell out their members for a pittance in terms of increased salaries and help the Department implement detrimental policies. They refuse point blank to listen someone who can speak on a medical basis on things like mental health.

They won’t find teachers. They won’t find TAS teachers. I’d be advising against anyone going into teachers until senior management gets a kick in the arse, and the Fed goes back to basics.

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If teachers want to protest… do it on the weekend.


Someone is really desperate for those old Late Show episodes…


But usually we are protesting over our rights as teachers. You know, what the union is meant to be looking after. Not spending time, money and resources into allowing kids to wag school.

And after lockdown, you lot should be grateful for the role teachers play, after you had to learn quickly how to home school. Because the government and teaching authorities certainly weren’t!

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But God forbid children protest their rights, no?


They can protest what they want. Just don’t involve teachers in it. That is what I am getting getting at.

We are not supposed to expose any political views at all, at least not direct to students. What the fed does completely contradicts this.

Let the students form their own union. The teachers Feds need to look out for their own. And they fail at that, I can assure you.

The AEU represents the education industry overall, students rights are a part of that.




You can’t have your cake and eat it too - these protests represent an issue that should be of critical importance to everyone (especially our politicians) and have the real potential to impact future generations.