I think most of their programs were relayed from Brisbane.
4SO pioneered the format of the early years of ABC Coast FM with smooth jazz, R&B etc.
and 4SO along with 2NC, 2CN and 2WN relayed Triple J’s programme overnight from midnight to 5am in the early 1980s.
On or behind the turf club.
The signal I’m told (too young!) was highly directional. Great north/south, null towards the west and south west to protect Grafton, Canberra, Adel etc.
The hotel now owned by ALH/Woolies corner of Sunshine and Markeri? That building looks like it was constructed before converting to FM.
This site might help with historical imaging
That hotel building was there in the late 70’s.
Thanks @Rob2144 and @digitaldan, appreciate you both following up.
Billy J Smith funeral is on this morning, 11am at Holy Spirit Church, New Farm.
Great memories of Bill this morning on Brisbane radio.
Recollections of him on 4BK breakfast in the 70’s.
Loretta Ryan of ABC Bris bfast delivered a wonderful tribute earlier during her show and again with morning host, Rebecca Levingston.
In the Stereo 10 days, Billy J Smith was on Mornings, Loretta was his producer. Sounds like it was an interesting shift to have a producer involved.
Loretta also shared that breakfast on Stereo 10 at the time was Jacki MacDonald the now late John Miller.
7News will live stream the funeral
Link to live stream
Driving during bfast this morning, heard a gravelly voice on the radio talking rugby league, it was a retired player of little name recognition.
With the death of Billy J Smith, it got me thinking, after his nightly gig on 4BC ended, it was a shame that his talent wasn’t used in a weekly cameo appearance on the FM stations, sports chat, something light and humourous.
Brisbane media lost close to a decade of an opportunity.
Today marks 30 years since 90.9 Sea FM on the Gold Coast went to air, which was the first commercial FM station from a non-capital city.
More: https://www.radioinfo.com.au/news/sea-fm-celebrates-its-30th-birthday
Opening was at 4pm. Also at the same time 4GGG first went to air. Tape has both from 23:21.
There’ll be a few more 30th anniversaries coming up soon too, as 1989 marked the expansion of commercial FM radio beyond the mainland capital cities.
Triple J started to become a national station (originally Sydney-only as 2JJ/2JJJ) in 1989 as well, if I’m not mistaken.
Are you the compiler of that excellent video? Nice work if so.
Yes - that’s mine.
Alos, as noted yesterday 4CRB turned 35.
Correct, Melbourne was first in October 1989 (I was studying for my Year 12 exams while listening to the launch) and Perth was a week later
A couple of the commercials would be 3BAY (Dec) and 2NEW (May)
22 Oct, (29 in Perth)