Engineers trying to look busy!.. something never change!
Original Staff - I believe this was their christmas party
this is an funny one… Waynee poo promoted a “dirty weekend away” … little did the punter know it was a weekend at the rubbish dump!
I have a heap more… if people are interested I will post more
Yes please
What kind of mic are those box shaped things in the old studio shots?
Cant say for sure but at a guess… a ribbon or carbon microphone.
Thought the same. But they have no brand markings. That was what I was really curious about.
looks like the group HUSH that sang Bony moronie & glad all over
A random thought that could be totally wrong but that might be Jon Blake on the left in the middle image and something to do with The Restless Years (give the Channel 0 TV shirt) @TelevisionAU might know.
It’s Peter Mochrie from The Restless Years on the left, and Barry Quin from Prisoner on the right. Don’t know who the one in the middle is?
The Hi Fi Club also used to be a TV show in Melbourne on GTV9, hosted by Bert Newton, in 1960.
It is a photo of Hush, Les Gock, Rick Lum, Keith Lamb and Smiley Palethorpe
Any news in Melbourne on the 3DB 90 year anniversary coming up 27 Feb?
I can’t see KIIS 101.1 making any mention of it when it happens.
TTFM and Mix 101.1 did nothing for the 70th and 80th anniversaries so I can’t imagine anything being said by KIIS about the 90th, although Remember When on 3AW might acknowledge it. They’ve been known to acknowledge other radio stations of the past before.
Another radio birthday today, 22 February. 85 years since the launch of 3AW:
3AW was something of a latecomer… 7 years after 3UZ which was Melbourne’s first commercial or Class “B” station. The only other commercials were 3DB (1927), 3KZ (1930) and 3AK (1931). 3XY was still a few years later, launching in 1935, and then there were no new commercial radio stations in Melbourne until 3MP in 1976.
Does anyone here in Brisbane remember when 4BK in the late 80s had an advertisement saying that they were "The Innovator-NOT the Imitator "They were referring to 4KQ back then I think,this was not long before they became B105 in early 1990
That was their slogan when 4BK switched to B105
I remember hearing a loop message on 1296 down here in Newcastle via night skip (reception was fairly good at night) after 4BK became B105 advising listeners to "switch to the FM band now, and tune your radio to 105.3 to listen to Brisbane’s brand new FM radio station - B105 - Nothing But Great Rock And Roll".
That’s what I recall being their slogan at that time.
Correct, launch positioner for B105. I also heard the 4BK loop message, had won a compact Sony AM/FM radio. 2 AA batteries, lasted a very long time, excellent AM and FM reception for a small radio with one speaker a bit less than size of the palm of your hand
Richard Burns unsuccessfully used this line when River 949 launched in Oct 2001. Carl Liebold voiced the promos, I would have an audio file of it somewhere sent as a comparison to the 4BK version, amusing.