No I haven’t had any feedback about 2OOO/2RRR RDS conflicts, but you’re right, it probably has had an affect considering what we’ve discovered with receivers only looking at the last 2 digits in the PI code.
That suggestion about a separate worksheet is a good idea too, I put the Coast FM RDS PI code with a letter in it right from the start, to try to avoid any likely conflicts, but also to somewhat conform to the CRA suggested RDS PI Code standard, only problem is, as part of the RDS standards, you can only use the letters A to F in the PI code, so if everyone starts doing it, we’ll run out of number-letter combinations fast & have conflicts again.
If memory serves me correctly I think @Radiohead reported that Rhema Central Coast 94.9 was transmitting without their RDS some months ago.
Today during a brief lift in reception I noted the logging of PI code of C949. So it appears their RDS is active again if they are still sending PS & RT info.
Yes, I was called into do some testing & help them, found out, but don’t know why, when they moved studios the RDS encoder was still working, but the volume had reduced to almost nothing, therefore the RDS looked as though it wasn’t working. They upped the RDS volume & it came back, they then re-adjusted the MPX level to get the TX modulating at just over 100% (approx. 104%).
It’s interesting they have the C at the start of the PI code, not technically correct as per standards, but I’m guessing it still works on all receivers?
So this is the studio-transmitter link for Hit Bunbury. I thought these links might have been digital or encrypted. This is an exact copy of the RDS data and what you’d hear if you tuned to 95.7FM.
I got curious about these when i discovered I could hear Bunbury Community Radios’ link on 846MHz at my place. Naturally, I had to grab an SDR and go and explore!
It appears SEN Spirit does not use a 900MHz studio link.
The studio link was actually a split second behind the car radio. But I think that’s due to the SDR processing on my slow phone. I’d say zero delay realistically.
The Bunbury Community Radio link sounded much better quality than their 103.7FM sound, I reckon.
Folks plenty of additions & improvements to our RDS List have occurred over the past couple of days.
Most of the changes are intended for station technicians & engineers to provide a better RDS reception & listening experience. Other changes are intended for improved navigation across the now many worksheets, there’s now 15 in all. Some of the changes are still a work in progress until I can learn more about Google Sheets functions & programming.
Any additions or changes to PI codes must be made in the respective regional Worksheets & Worksheet 11 & now Worksheet 14. If the user doesn’t have the skills or confidence to make the changes please just make notes in this RDS Forum thread & someone will make the necessary changes.
That’s fascinating. I remember as a child (early 2000s) being able to get 105.7 (now Triple M) with a bit of noise in the background when tuning an old dial TV from the 70s at my grandmother’s house up past Channel 69 on UHF.
At the time I thought it was a harmonic but thinking now it might have actually been the STL that I was hearing.
UHF tv channel 69 sound was about 820MHz, so very likely you heard a STL. Looking around the ACMA website, the STL band has been shortened up to 845 - 850MHz now days, to free up more spectrum for the telcos. Just like we lost UHF 52 to 69 to the telcos.
Although these are point to point transmissions, they are easy to receive. I live in the same area as the Bunbury Community Radio studios, but no line of sight, to the side of their beam and use a VHF antenna pointed the wrong way. I still hear the STL in FM stereo.
Great thank you
I note this is the same site as 95.5 so I may change the label to the same as 95.5 so it fits neatly within the cell.
I’ve updated the Toowoomba ‘Last Update’ (Date of last change) too.
I’ll update the other appearances in worksheets 11 & 14 a little later. (Done)
I’ve now ‘greyed’ out the 2WK RDS entry as I do with all inactive RDS entries.
Do you know when it became inactive? I like to note this for benefit of dxers & for admin.
I’d personally be happy to put “RDS Encoder has shit itself”, but thought I’d better keep the list ‘G’ rated & a tad more professional lol
BTW looking at the Toowoomba list; Is RDS on 91.5 (last listed as Triple M Country) still inactive & if so, can you recall when it became inactive?
Thanks for your changes & input, every little bit helps.
Not sure when 95.5 will have RDS again as I don’t have a lot to do with the station these days, given the fact of other issues within the network I don’t think restoring RDS will be a high priority
91.5 is not SEN Track and doesn’t have RDS
99.1 is now Triple M Country and has RDS as MMM CTRY
Yes that’s right it’s SEN now - thanks
I deleted that 91.5 Toowoomba entry entirely from the QLD worksheet to avoid confusion given ownership change etc. And deleted the former 91.5 PI code from the other two worksheets. Admin doesn’t stop…