Still think they should’ve considered asking Virginia. Not that it would make a difference anyway with this dead duck.

They may have but she could have said no?


Who would want to host an almost dead show after what happened to Hamish and Stan?

The show should have been axed years ago. It’s so indulgent particularly with job cuts and diminishing local news and quality.

It does nothing for the debate in this country, it only makes things worse. Insight on SBS is better for I assume a fraction of the budget.


Just end it FFS - the ABC have destroyed the format, changing hosts is just window dressing


I would say it will end this season.

It’s budgeted and scheduled in for the ABC until the end of the year. May as well let it run its course and give it a proper send off in November.


Yeah an article I saw was that Patricia was only host for the remainder of the year until a “permanent” replacement is announced

I agree that it will end this year


ABC statement

Stan Grant departs Q+A; Patricia Karvelas to anchor

Stan Grant has decided to step away from his role as presenter of Q+A and move on to new projects with the ABC.

Patricia Karvelas will continue as host of the program for the rest of the year, as well as continuing to present RN Breakfast from Tuesday to Friday.

ABC Director, News Justin Stevens said the ABC respected and supported Grant’s decision.

“Stan Grant is one of the country’s finest journalists, storytellers and broadcasters and we will be delighted to have his contribution across a number of different ABC programs,” Stevens said.

“We want to do all we can to support Stan and ensure he continues to play a major role in Australian media. He has the ability to lead our media toward a kinder and more constructive conversation.

“In Wiradjuri ‘dyiraamalang’ means a teacher and leader. Stan Grant, a proud Wiradjuri man, is both of those things and I’m looking forward to seeing what he does into the future.

“Patricia Karvelas has been doing an outstanding job as fill-in host and we’re delighted she has agreed to continue in that role.”

Voice Correspondent and The Drum presenter Dan Bourchier will host a special edition of Q+A from the Garma Festival, presenting a range of views from the all-Indigenous panel.

“Dan is doing terrific work in a key role covering the Voice to Parliament debate and referendum and having him anchor the program from Garma will be another important part of this,” Stevens said.

Monday 31 July, 2023

Q+A is live from Melbourne on Monday, July 31at 9.35pm AEST.

On the Panel

Luke McGregor
Writer, Actor and Comedian
Luke McGregor is a writer, actor, and one of Australia’s favourite comedians. His comedy career began in Tasmania in 2007 when he entered the RAW Comedy competition after one of the contestants didn’t show up. In 2020, Luke finally found a use for his Economics degree, joining The Weekly with Charlie Pickering for his ‘Lukenomics’ segment

Katy Gallagher
Minister for Finance
As a senior Cabinet Minister holding the Federal Government’s finance and women’s portfolios, Katy Gallagher is passionate about making women’s equal opportunity an economic and social priority of government.

Dean Smith
Liberal Senator for WA
Dean Smith first entered the Senate as a Liberal for Western Australia in May of 2012. In June 2022 he was appointed by Opposition Leader Peter Dutton to the Coalition’s three-member economics and treasury team as the Shadow Assistant Minister for Competition, Charities and Treasury.

Barbara Pocock
Greens Senator for SA

Barbara became a South Australian Senator for the Greens in 2022 and is currently the Greens spokesperson for Finance, Employment and Public Sector portfolios. Additionally, Barbara has recently chaired a Senate Select Committee looking at work and care in Australia which shows the need for a new 21st century social contract, one that creates a practical right to care alongside the right to work.

Jahin Tanvir
CEO, Australian School of Entrepreneurship
Jahin Tanvir is the CEO of the Australian School of Entrepreneurship, Australia’s largest innovation provider. Jahin is a 3-time TEDx speaker, youth advocate and was named on the 40 under 40 Most Influential Asian-Australians for 2022, at the age of 21-years-old.

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Inb4 someone mentions rats and sinking ship.

Monday 7 August, 2023

Q+A from Garma Festival, Monday, August 7 at 9.35pm AEST.

This week Q+A is heading to North-East Arnhem Land for a special episode from the Garma Festival, Australia’s largest Indigenous cultural gathering. Australia is at a pivotal moment in its history, as the nation decides together whether Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people will be recognised within the Constitution and heard through a Voice to Parliament.

The festival’s theme this year is “djambatj”, meaning a perfect moment in time when the balance of the world is in order. It’s a vision that organisers say was embodied by Garma’s former chairman Yunupingu, who will be honoured and remembered at this year’s event.

With polls showing that the referendum is facing a challenge to succeed, will the Prime Minister take the opportunity at Garma to announce the date? Festival chair Djawa Yunupingu says now is a moment in time that offers the promise of a new world. “One way or another, the nation will change,” he says. What will Australia look like after the crucial vote?

Presented by guest host Dan Bourchier, Q+A will speak to Indigenous leaders and discuss issues facing their community and will feature a music performance by King Stingray.

On the Panel

Malarndirri McCarthy
Assistant Minister for Indigenous Australians and Indigenous Health
Senator Malarndirri McCarthy is a Yanyuwa Garrawa woman from the Gulf country in the Northern Territory. Senator McCarthy was elected to the Northern Territory Assembly as the Member for Arnhem in 2005 and held several ministerial portfolios.

Noel Pearson
Founder of Cape York Partnership and Good to Great Schools Australia
Noel Pearson comes from the Guugu Yimithirr community of Hope Vale. For over 30 years, Mr Pearson has pursued key agendas to achieve land rights and socioeconomic development outcomes for Cape York. He co-founded the Cape York Land Council and negotiated with the Keating government to establish the Native Title Act 1993 after the High Court’s landmark Mabo decision rejected the fiction of terra nullius.

Merrki Ganambarr-Stubbs
Merrkiyawuy Ganambarr-Stubbs is a proud Yolŋu woman and leader from northeast Arnhem Land. She has written six books, four in Yolŋu Matha for use in primary schools as Walking Talking texts. She has played an important role in the bilingual education movement in Arnhem Land working with Yolŋu Elders to develop both-ways learning and is a member of an Indigenous-academic collective that works with Macquarie University. Her vision is that every child is appreciated, and that every child knows that dreams are possible.

Warren Mundine
Chair of the Australian Indigenous Education Foundation
As Chair of the Australian Indigenous Chamber of Commerce, Warren provides national leadership for initiatives to promote economic development and help Indigenous people break the welfare cycle, such as the Australian Employment Covenant and the First Australians Business Awards.

Ben Abbatangelo
Gunaikurnai and Wotjobaluk Journalist and Writer

A story holder, maker and teller, Ben publishes for VICE, The Saturday Paper, The Guardian and IndigenousX, and is a regular voice of reason for various ABC channels and The Project. His film and journalism sits at the juncture of Indigenous rights, environmental justice and institutional malfeasance.

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Both Noel Pearson and Warren Mundine did not appear at the filming. They were replaced by Professor Marcia Langton and lawyer Taylah Gray.

Monday 14 August

Q+A is live from Sydney on Monday, August 14 at 9.35pm AEST.

On the Panel

Angela Saini
Award-winning Science Journalist & Author
Angela Saini is an award-winning British journalist and author based in New York. She presents radio and television programmes, and her writing has appeared in National Geographic, New Scientist, and Wired. She was a spring 2022 Logan Nonfiction Program Fellow and a 2022 fellow of the Humboldt Residency Programme in Berlin. The Undark magazine series on race science she helped edit was a finalist for a National Magazine Award in 2023.

Cathy Foley
Australia’s Chief Scientist
Dr Foley became Australia’s ninth Chief Scientist in January 2021 after a lengthy career at Australia’s national science agency, the CSIRO, where she was appointed as the agency’s Chief Scientist in August 2018.

Mark Scott
Vice-Chancellor of the University of Sydney
Professor Mark Scott was appointed as the University’s 27th Vice-Chancellor in 2021. He is a highly respected and successful senior leader of large and complex institutions, across public service, education and the media, including a decade as Managing Director of the ABC as well as holding a number of senior editorial roles at Fairfax, including Education Editor of The Sydney Morning Herald and Editor-in-Chief of metropolitan, regional and community newspapers.

Meganne Christian
European Space Agency Reserve Astronaut
With a degree in Engineering and a PhD in Industrial Chemistry, Meganne Christian’s insatiable curiosity and drive for innovation have propelled her to remarkable heights. Meganne’s passion for space research extends beyond her personal achievements, as she also serves as Reserve Astronaut & Exploration Commercialisation Lead at the UK Space Agency, where she is instrumental in shaping the future of space-based systems, technologies, and applications.

Corey Tutt
Founder of DeadlyScience
In 2022, Corey received the Medal of the Order of Australia for service to Indigenous STEM education. Corey was recently appointed Adjunct Associate Professor in the School of Science at Western Sydney University


Monday 21 August 2023

Q+A is live from Melbourne on Monday, 21 August at 9.35pm AEST.

On the Panel

Tony Burke
Minister for Employment and Workplace Relations and Minister for the Arts

Tony Burke is the Minister for Employment and Workplace Relations, Minister for the Arts, and Leader of the House in the House of Representatives. He was a minister in the Rudd, Gillard and Rudd governments from 2007 until 2013, responsible at different times for Agriculture, Sustainability and Environment, and Immigration.

Sam Birrell
Nationals Member for Nicholls
Sam was elected as the Nationals Member for Nicholls in 2022. Sam lives in Shepparton with his wife Lisa and two children. He’s a keen runner and whips out his guitar and sings any chance he gets.

Zoe Daniel
Independent Member for Goldstein

In May 2022, community Independent Zoe Daniel became the first woman elected to the federal seat of Goldstein. Prior to politics, Zoe spent almost 3 decades on the front line of news and current events, in Australia and internationally as a 3-time foreign correspondent and former ABC News United States Bureau chief.

Hannah Diviney
Author, Disability Advocate, Actress and Editor-in-Chief of Missing Perspectives

Hannah Diviney is one of the most impressive new young faces and voices in the public eye. The multi hyphenate is a writer and a disability advocate. Her biggest work includes the wildly successful change.org petition encouraging Disney to create a disabled Disney Princess and making international news headlines after successfully getting both Lizzo and Beyonce to change ableist lyrics.

George Gittoes
Artist,Film Producer, Director & Writer

Gittoes’ work has consistently expressed his social, political and humanitarian concern at the effects of injustice and conflict. He has travelled to and worked in many regions of conflict, including the Philippines, Somalia, Cambodia, Rwanda, Bosnia, Bougainville, South Africa, and the Middle East - with repeated visits to Israel and Palestine, Iraq, and Afghanistan.

With a special musical performance from Tina Arena

Tina Arena
Iconic Singer-Songwriter

Tina Arena, AM, is an iconic Australian singer-songwriter, record producer, actress and performing artist. Voted Australia’s greatest female singer of all time, her powerful voice remains unparalleled after 40 years in the industry.

The Australian reports Stan Grant had slammed Q+A producers for setting up panels with guests holding starkly different views that are designed to cause conflict and encourage a social media “pile-on”.

Speaking at the Canberra Writers Festival on Saturday during a one-hour session led by Four Corners investigative journalist Louise Milligan, Grant said the show’s set up was flawed.

“You go on Q+A and the first thing you do is you introduce a panel that have more often than not been picked because they have conflict, rather than seeking to find connection,” he said.

“Then you say, ‘go on social media’, basically form your lynch mob, hit the person you hate and pile on.

“I can’t do that anymore and I don’t think that is what you want from our media. I think we are failing you and we must find a better way to doing it.”

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not a fan of Stan Grant but I think he’s right here. One of the reasons I couldn’t be bothered with Q&A from early on because it was about finding divisive panellists rather than more moderate ones that would have been more likely to have a balanced discussion.


The ABC seemed willing to push the boundaries with Q&A to the point it became difficult to reign it back in without losing viewers. It doesn’t help that the broadcaster often struggles with achieving their need for balance either which resulted in some questionable panel formations to try and to be balanced

The seemingly endless desire for it to be agenda setting has contributed to the mess it finds itself in now.


Monday 28 August, 2023

Q+A is live from Sydney on Monday, August 28 at 9.35pm AEST.

On the Panel

Jana Pittman
Olympian, Doctor & Author

Jana is a two times World Champion, four times Commonwealth Champion – in the sport of athletics. She became the first woman to represent Australia in both a Summer and Winter Olympics after joining the Australian women’s bobsleigh team. Off the track, Jana completed a Bachelor of Medicine, Bachelor of Surgery at Western Sydney University in 2019 and is now a junior doctor in Women’s Health. Jana also published a book Enough with Echo Publishing in 2023.

Danielle Wood
CEO, the Grattan Institute

Danielle is a member of the Australian Government’s Women’s Economic Equality Taskforce, the Parliamentary Budget Office Expert Advisory Committee and the Commonwealth Bank CEO Advisory Council. She is an Honorary Fellow and former President of the Economic Society of Australia and a Research Fellow of the Women’s Leadership Institute.

Gordon Reid
Labor Member for Robertson

Dr Gordon Reid is a man of Wiradjuri heritage who lives on Darkinjung land on the New South Wales Central Coast. Dr Reid studied medicine at the University of Newcastle, Graduation in 2016. During the 2022 Australian Federal Election, Dr Reid was elected to the House of Representatives for the seat of Robertson.

Aaron Violi
Liberal Member for Casey

Aaron Violi first entered Parliament as the Liberal Member for Casey in May 2022. In his role as MP, Aaron has launched the Parliamentary Friends of AUKUS, focusing on fostering bipartisanship for the trilateral security agreement and building relationships with our US and UK counterparts.

Jessie Stephens
Author & Editor at Mamamia

Celebrated millennial thinker Jessie Stephens confronts the mental health crisis devastating her generation in her powerful debut novel, Something Bad is Going to Happen, which early reviews have dubbed a modern-day Bell Jar.