Promotional Watermarks
Classification Warnings:
I’ve got a few batches of caps from this era of Prime7 On-Air Presentation, I’ll start off with the earliest I’ve still got on hand - November 2013.
Promo/Ident Endtags:
Sponsor Billboard:
CSA Endtags:
Start of Program Classification & CC Super + an In-Program Promotional Watermark for The Blacklist (Side note - it’s sometimes easy to forget that The Chase UK had been airing on Seven at 3pm as far back as 2013):
More screencaps, this time from February & November 2015.
Promo/Ident Endtags:
Sponsor Billboard:
CSA Endtags:
In-Program Promotional Pop-Up Graphics:
Miscellaneous (Still can’t get over how cheap that Possum “Kids Goodnight” looked - reusing part of the old Prime7 News set as a kids bedroom! ):
I recall there being two audio variants of the GottaLoveIt ident, one with the regular Seven ident audio and one with an instrumental jingle. Does anyone know where I can find them?
I think this was one version, which 7 and Prime7 both used:
Longer theme.
I think these longer idents only lasted six months or so on 7 and Prime7.
Shorter theme.
I think by early 2014, this theme was no longer being used on Prime7 and certainly on 7.
The other theme was used quite often between 2014 and 2016, and I think this was only on Prime7.
Full credit goes to original uploaders
Just a bit of curiosity would be interesting to see if Prime alter there logo this year as they did in 1991, 2001 and 2011…