Prime Video

Aargh the audio is out of sync on my Apple TV , anyone else?

It’s like the video is behind the audio.

On the Amazon app on LG tv it’s fine.

The technical aspects of the coverage is excellent. The cameras, direction, graphics are up there with the best of sports coverage. Nicole Livingston add the gravitas to the coverage as a veteran of swimming commentary. Pool deck coverage is excellent as well.

Am I right in saying Grant Hackett is not at the venue? He might be providing special comments from Melbourne as he probably was not permitted to enter Adelaide given border closures.

Jon Harker is woeful as per usual. He’s a hack and shouldn’t be employed in such a capacity.

He called the women’s water polo gold medal match in 2000 for seven and he was woeful back then. He’s done boxing events at other olympics from memory.

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Just got home from work at 8.30pm - my Apple TV is in sync.

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Would international viewers on Amazon be getting these ads?
It really is strange they have commercials.



When I was watching through the Android app before, the picture jumped quite a fair bit (ie; the same frame kept being shown) which became quite annoying. Haven’t had those issues watching through the website.

Both Hackett and Livingston are in Melbourne.

Agree about Harker - he’s been the only real negative of the coverage so far. The night started off with some really exciting moments (eg; Emma Mckeon nearly breaking the 100m butterfly world record) and Harker just hasn’t rose to the occasion like you expect a commentator would.

Not really - I’ve watched a bit of Amazon’s UK Premier League coverage and it has ads at the times you expect ads to air during a football game (eg; pre/post-game and during half time)

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This is the best broadcast coverage swimming in Australia has seen in a long long time


Yes they’re treating like an event like in the old days on nine. 10 Covered it pretty well for a bit before Murdoch destroyed everything and seven did a pretty shabby job most recently.

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Hopefully Amazon pick up the Athletics rights too!

Amazon, please bid for the AFL.

Amazon could do well to pick up the minor sports like hockey, athletics, etc. I’m hoping swimming is just the beginning.

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Comm Games are just around the corner too :wink:

But the Commonwealth Games are on the anti-siphoning list, so if Amazon gets the Australian rights, it will have to get a FTA network onboard as broadcast partner.

I could see that happening with the AFL as well, there’s only so much debt Foxtel can build and their billionaire Murdoch has decided to stop injecting money into it.

A world record to start off night 2 at the Olympic swimming trials but again Jon Harker ruined the call. He’s so bad. Not up to the job. They really need a new play by play caller next time.

I reckon he has been great

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Amazon could be the home of niche sports in Australia

He is terrible. Sounds like he’s being strangled. He keeps getting things wrong. He just again called something wrong.

He’s so bad compared to what we’ve had in the past: Dennis Commetti, Mike MCann, Ray Warren, Bruce Mcaveny, Anthony Hudson, Stephen Quarermain and Basil Zemplais. They are all a class above the failed hack Jon Harker. He took over 2gb rugby league many years ago when 2UE lost the rights and he was universally panned.