Paramount Australia & New Zealand

They have spent not so much but costly deal for A-League for $200 million.

Which may be a limiting factor in them picking up some sports - if 10/P+ are able to do a good job with the few sports they’ve picked up recently they may be able to attract some attention from sports looking for a change in coverage.

I hope they can make the A League(s) work


Uphill battle. The ratings on Saturday nights will be diabolical. But it will be a consistent time slot and we’ll produced coverage that the APL would be after.

They’re promoting the coverage externally on outdoors etc and they’ll need to do more to get traction. It will be a very very slow build but perhaps they can find a niche in the market.

The big thing for ViacomCBS will be if they can drive subscriptions to P+. That’s a bigger measure of success than ratings on linear free to air. In essence the linear coverage on free to air is one big ad for P+. If they see an uptick they’ll be happy. If they get the EPL they’ll be even happier as it is a known driver of subscriptions. Lots to unfold. I believe the blind auction for EPL rights is this month or next.

Doing a deal to allow members of A League clubs to add P+ to their season ticket will hopefully assist too.

I suspect the EPL rights are going to be hotly contested - especially from Optus who’s service is starting to look shaky after losing a raft of rights to both P+/10 and Stan

Hahaha :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: CNN sure as hell isn’t balanced. Neither is Fox News. ABC News Australia is fairly balanced. It’s usually after dark on the cable news channels that are unhinged. Don Lemon , Sean Hannity , Tucker Carlson are prime examples of unhinged and unbalanced.

So it should all be done and dusted by the years end as to who will be showing EPL next season.

Probably. The Premier League are currently focusing on the US rights auction. According to The Times newspaper, final bids are due Monday in the UK and a recommendation will be put to the 20 clubs next Thursday. As such, we could know which network/s have won the rights by this time next week.

Once that process is over, their focus will then shift to the Australian rights auction. According to SportBusiness, first-round bids are due by Monday November 15th.

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hopefully Paramount+ lands a knockout blow to its competitors


Going off the back of my previous post surrounding the ratings and “decline” of 10s audience…

Very interesting quote from Hamish Turner- Nine’s Director of 9Now and Programming in an interview that @blackbox did with him today in relation to the current Demo PR they are doing…

When asked about if 3 commercial networks are sustainable in Australia, Hamish responded that he had seen all of the articles and the decline of the audience on Ten and said:

“Again, I have read the articles across the past few days and there looks to have been quite a bit of backgrounding going on especially when it has come to 10’s numbers, and I think in fairness to 10 it’s actually not a fair representation. We are moving to a Total TV view and I don’t think you can look at the overnight linear and look at year on year declines of overnight linears because its not telling the full picture”

He went on to mention that 10 is a unique business and Streaming is a big part of it and shouldn’t be discounted.

Very telling that the industry and even directors from rival networks are even seeing them this way, seems those writing the articles are close-minded… There also wasn’t any rebuke against what Hamish was saying either…
Curious :thinking:


Yes, If 10 wants to boost audience in my opinion they need to have a exclusive Paramount Pictures film that take away from Nine

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movies don’t cut it anymore. it’s not like the 80’s when movies were not as accessable. now i can fire up disney+ and watch a ton of movies. what 10 needs is 2 things

1 - sport. sport is the one thing that people will watch live (for the most part). by watching live, you know what else they are watching? the adverts.

2 - guts. they need guts and commission a local show that will be the water cooler talk at work. this would be something they can strip across 4 nights (at a minimum) a week, providing plenty of content. remember when the talk was all Big Brother, Reggie and the Bum Dance? they need balls to comission something like that


That was one voice out of the many executives I speak with and I value his opinion. It would have been very easy for me to cut it out, but that’s not what I do.

I’m happy for people to disagree with things I say - it’s only when it gets personal or nasty I have a problem. I love debating all things TV.


Sure. And so this goes back to my original post from last week, which addresses a number of issues :slight_smile:

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The problem here is 10 played a brilliant game owning the 16-39 demo back in the day and coming third didn’t matter. The network was low cost, big profit.

Then GO! Came along with the explicit idea of taking 10’s younger audience.

10 then went to the 25-54 demo before changing to under 50s. The big problem is they don’t own those demos, the way they did with 16-39.

So, in my opinion it’s nothing to do with always being third. It’s all to do with being able to tell a story to advertisers - any story. What is 10’s story?

They are down across the board in total people and they are third in the key demos (and being third in key demos is very different to being third in total people).

This is why they are desperately making the shift to streaming with Paramount+. But how are they stopping the slide on linear tv where there are still big bucks to be made?

The other things is look at all the comments on TVBB or Daily Mail in relation to the 10 stories. The audience hate what it has become. Go back ten years and no one cared how ten did in ratings - they were the underdog and viewers loved their cheeky attitude.

Now, viewers have switched off or just don’t care. And people not caring one way or another is the biggest killer of all.

I know you all think I would be cheering if 10 died, but it’s just not the case. It’s the last thing I want.

Do I think they should be called out for a lack of planning and vision - absolutely.


What I don’t understand is why rather than investing in holding the demo, they elected to move away to a new demo (that they really haven’t been able to crack as well as they did with 16-39). Ten getting spooked by a multichannel (ok, a well-performing one) has to go down as one of the oddest things that have occurred in TV history.

They need content that people want to watch - I suspect that could be a real challenge if they are limited to the ViacomCBS libraries in terms of overseas content.

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I 100% agree with this. There was a shift in perception towards Ten after the “News Revolution” was a failure and their public image has never really recovered since then.

Back during their “golden-era” of c. 1994-2011, they were generally well-respected and liked among people of all ages. Many of us who were kids back then (like myself) liked Ten because they had The Simpsons at 6pm, as well as shows like Totally Wild, Cheez TV etc.; they had more ‘kid-friendly’ offerings than what Seven & Nine had.

Like you said though, a huge part of Ten’s appeal was the fact that it had that cheeky and ‘alternative’ feel to it. They aired younger-skewing, ‘edgy’ shows like Big Brother, Supernatural, The X Files etc.; shows that Nine & Seven never would have touched. Plus, Ten had an excellent news division which was generally trusted and well-resourced, so despite being a resounding 3rd in the ratings, they were all-in-all a very-balanced network.

It’s not a simple fix, but they really need to try and recapture that ‘magic’ which made them such a great network back in the mid-late '90s and 2000s, and try and readapt that to the streaming age.


You’ve never been able to report objectively about 10 which has been a huge conflict.

Now you’re an employee of Nine, which is another huge conflict.

You’ve reported gleefully on the sliding ratings of 10, while ignoring the less than ideal viewing numbers for BB VIP, SAS Hell Week & Love Island on 9.

I’m sorry Rob, I was a big admirer but the obsession you have with 10 is childish and tarnished your brand.


Mark, I really don’t care about my ‘brand’ and I will continue to call things as I see them.

A few facts:

  • last week I called out Nine for the dates they are using for the Olympics
  • The 10 ratings story was of such significance the Daily Mail, The Oz and the Daily Tele all covered it
  • I have often praised 10 when they have been worthy of it

Here’s an example: Is Channel 10 about to change the TV game? - TV Blackbox

I’ll cop fair criticism but facts do matter

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And BTW I have talked about those low numbers on the podcast, specifically Love Island not doing the business and Hell Week not working.

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One article about positivity. I think it’s the only one I have ever seen that doesn’t have an undertone or snarky line at the end.

Stack that up against the constant praise for how wonderful Seven are in everything that they do and how wonderful their BB is (which BBVIP shows it’s DOA and they royally screwed it up)

I know you can’t admit it and that’s ok, but the posts here suggest it’s not just one person that is saying that the 10 bashing exists - a lot of us see that view.

Again, I don’t see you labelling Seven or Nine with nicknames or snarky comments

Team Trump - that was incredibly immature and then throwing the tantrum that they won’t talk to you.

Also I don’t have any issue with you working at Nine, just want to make that clear and point that out, people can be objective when they try.