Nine Radio (Talk)

Brent James has been let go from 4BC.

What that might mean for the Brekky trio, whose contract is up at the end of the year, could be interesting.


Do they though?
And is that what the market wants? When everyone tries to be number one we get every station aiming for the lower common denominator and sounding the same.

Nine actually want to be the number 1 talk format in the country. As it turns out, thatā€™s a popular format in Sydney and Melbourne, but not the other cities. Iā€™m sure theyā€™re happy with 4BC simply being the best talk station in the city.


Iā€™d like to see what impact Brent leaving 4BC (and the network) has on the ratings.

As for 4BC Breakfast, didnā€™t he only select 3 songs per hour?

Not much work for a once high-rating Music Director.

Come on ACE. Here is your chance to take 4BH (and others) even further! Iā€™d make him Group MD for ACE Metro stations. Imagine what he could do for 4BH & Magic1278!?

Maybe he could host Jukebox Saturday Night across the ACE metro network?


Itā€™s a shame to let someone with his experience as a long time music programmer go to waste .Ace Network and 4BH need to offer him employment as music director and an on air role if needed


We need more talk stations in this country. Not less.


4BH seems to be doing well enough without him. 2UE doing ok. Depends whether Ace sees value in him programming across the other stations such as Magic/3MP, I suppose.




News talk radio is really important for driving democratic conversation.

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the market has pretty much dictated that we donā€™t.


It really doesnā€™t particularly on commercial stations which for reasons that escape me show an unnecessary bias to the Liberals in all their discussions that does not promote democratic discussions at all.


There is nothing democratic about the talk on most Nine talk stations!

Who would host Saturday Night Live doing the summer on 2gb/4bc? Would Nine put the Simon Owens Show on 2ue/4bc instead?

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This again? The Brisbane survey numbers would suggest that ACEā€™s programming team is doing a pretty good job without him. No disrespect to Brent at all, but I think it would be money they donā€™t really need to spend.


Yes doing really well with Sun morning 60s, Sunday night 70s, Jukebox Sat night, Top 10. I wonder how they came up with those programs. :smirk:

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Any radio programmer over the past 40 years will have done these or variations on them.


Donā€™t know about other markets but that was a staple for decades on the old 3MP, I doubt thereā€™s any exclusivity to the name or format.


Yes thatā€™s true, I agree

Confirmed on-air that with daylight savings ending tomorrow, 6PR will join the national weekend overnight program from 2.00am eastern states time/12.00am Perth time tomorrow morning. So has the 6PR weekend overnight host also been given the flick?

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If theyā€™ve axed the weeknight program, I would imagine it would cost more to have the weekend program than the weeknight one (i.e. higher overnight penalties, etc)

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Strange that 4Bh just started doing them when 4KQ ended and never before.

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