Nine Radio (Talk)

Did Hadley even get a chance to say farewell to his Brisbane listeners on Friday? It’s interesting that it was never mentioned.

Makes you wonder if it was really in his new contract, or whether they just pulled the pin during survey break to get Bill ready to go?

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“4BC is now the only Brisbane radio station with live and local programming from 5.30am to 7pm, five days a week.”

This doesn’t have as much kick to it with only ‘five’ days a week.

“We’re delighted Ray will still be heard across the Brisbane airwaves during the Continuous Call Team, State of Origin, NRL Finals”
They should get rid of him here as well - at least for calls of Broncos/Queensland games. Be a local station and have a local call of them - with all the bias you see on home team broadcasts in the US.

I’ve never listened to the 2GB NRL coverage, but I’m sure it feels out of state to Queensland listeners.

Be the station of Queensland in every way.


Clinton Maynard on 2GB Nights this week. He has definitely earned his annual leave!


I presume Queensland Regional stations that were taking Ray will now take Bill? This will leave John Laws still heard in NSW and Queensland.

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Tom Elliott will be on the panel on ABC’s Q+A next Monday night, September 25.


Well that’s a good reason to give next week’s Q+A a miss!

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Neil Mitchell will appear on 7.30 on ABC tonight, chatting with fill-in host Laura Tingle.

UPDATE: here is the full chat.


The Australian reports today that the Australian Communications and Media Authority is investigating whether Fordham should have disclosed in the segment that he was in a paid partnership with Uber in the segment. That is on top of the media regulator’s probe into Nine Radio’s failure to promptly declare Jacqui Felgate’s existing commercial sponsorships.


Great to see they have managed to get a live cam up for Tony Jones Live at the Collingwood training session.

I would be great for them to do this for footy broadcasts as well. Whether that’s the preshow or even the live call from the game. Would be good to see the team calling the game live from the commentary box.
Something to think about for next year maybe?


Nine’s talk stations break streaming records

Nine's talk stations break streaming records

Nine’s talk stations have reached new record highs in live streaming, with the latest Triton data showing massive gains with 11.9 million session starts in August (up 14% year on year) and 11.4 million hours of listening (up 16% year on year) – both the highest on record for Nine.

Head of content for Nine Radio, Greg Byrnes, said: “This data is further proof listeners have embraced talk radio through digital devices. Our station apps provide great sound, are easily accessible, and ensure listeners are always connected to the latest news, sport and opinion, no matter where they are. The future of commercial audio streaming is talk radio and we welcome those new listeners who join our conversation via a device each day.”

Nine’s Commercial Director for Digital Audio, Esther Carlsen, said: “With even more listeners streaming via our audio apps, combined with our strong total listening hours, it’s clear that Nine’s talk radio listeners are extremely loyal. This creates unrivaled opportunities for brands to target engaged listeners in a safe audio environment.”

“Also with Nine’s data and targeting capabilities, we are able to reach listeners as they move around our network during the week, enabling brands to deliver more targeted advertising and most importantly, a better listening experience.”

Building on its dominance from Gfk Survey 5 – which cemented Nine as the clear No.1 in streaming with cumulative audience up 2.2% across the network – there is no doubt the future of streaming is talk radio, with even more digital listeners tuning in and building loyalty with Nine’s live and local content.*

Source: Triton Streaming Metrics, August 1-31 2023, Session Starts, Total Listening Hours (TLH), Nine Radio – 2GB, 3AW, 4BC, 6PR.

*GfK Radio360 ratings, SMBP Survey 5 2023, Mon-Sun 5.30am-12MN,Cume (000s) vs Survey 4 2023, AP10+, Market Share Streaming Only, Nine Radio – 2GB, 3AW, 4BC, 6PR unless otherwise specified.


Shane McInnes will host 3AW drive tomorrow (Thursday) as fill-in host Heidi Murphy will be reporting for Nine News from the Melbourne Royal Show.


They wouldn’t be allowed to.


Live stream the commentary box? Why?


It’s still streaming of the game taking viewers away from the actual broadcast.

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How is that actually an issue? It’s no different to them streaming the audio just with seeing the commentators?

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If they were allowed to they would already be doing it.

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Not necessarily. They need to have the OB hooked up for the stream. It doesn’t always happen when they do OBs currently unless it’s thought of.

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Time for 9 to do the right thing and cut her loose:

This probably why she left Seven was probably making more money through her partnerships than her job


Yes, I think that they might give her the flick and Heidi Murphy will take over the Drive slot, I heard snatches of Heidi on Drive last week and she was impressive.