Nine News Local

Professionalism comes into play - and it’s also a shop window to help your chances of a job afterwards.

Sadly too suspect it’s not the first time many of them have been through it - redundancies in the Aussie broadcast news market seem to be quite a regular occurance. Probably a bit easier with pretty much the whole team going rather than the situation where some are staying and some are going.

Remember the time Ten hired 100 Journalists for their News revolution and pretty much terminated them less than a year later?

Nine will transfer some shining light Journalists to Metro stations. The others could possibility pick up Casual or Freelance work at rival stations if they decide to stay in the same city.

It’s not the be all and end all. Everyone in Media who’s worked in it a while has been retrenched at least once.

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… given the comment that I was replying to I would have thought that would be obvious …

… the latter option allowed them to use the station’s facilities like computer, phone, fax, cameras and edit suites to help them search for and obtain another job without the daily pressure of putting a bulletin out …


I’ve noticed about six tv journos quitting the industry in the last week or so. Is anyone else noticing this too? Burn out from bushfires/covid is real.

— Charlotte Mortlock (@CMMortlock) March 21, 2021

burn out, or just getting out before being pushed out?

Or perhaps have found new jobs so resigned.

Wouldn’t be the only industry where 2020 has taken a toll to the point people are quitting. I know from personal experience.

At least Prime gave the staff that option.
Nine of course is in a different situation right now; they have a contractual obligation to continue until 30 June.

I wouldn’t suggest anything else, just empathising with how they must be feeling.
Losing your job happens, but it’s still tough, perhaps more so when you’ve got to be in public view.

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Where did Jane read from? NBN HQ?

Looks like the same studio in North Sydney, right?

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That’s why I’m asking. It certainly isn’t the normal NNL set.

Doesn’t it? I thought it did… could it be the old ACA set or is that the same thing as the Local News?

I don’t think NBN have another studio, so couldn’t have been from there.

Old ACA set is the NNL set too.
Perhaps NBN took some of the old set pieces when Nine moved (because the picture she posted looks like the old Nine Willoughby set)?

(For reference)


They moved out of that set a while ago to the one they had at Willoughby. Coming to think of it, since ACA has changed, no one uses that set anymore…

They did??
So they have another studio to fit that set as well?

I agree with Tom_TV7. Think about the people that lost their WIN News jobs in Albury, Dubbo, Orange, Wagga Wagga, Griffith, Bundaberg, Hervey Bay, Mount Gambier, Loxton, Mackay, Mildura, Geraldton, Albany, Canberra, Ballarat, Rockhampton, Toowoomba, Hobart and Broome? (Although Hobart and a few other cities are a bit debatable)

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Rockhampton and Toowoomba still pumps out WIN News.

I don’t see your point. All regional networks at one point have downsized or removed newsroom staff. Same story in radio and newspapers. They’re businesses after all.

What kinda surprises me is why some former TV Journalists haven’t got together to start producing their own local news bulletins for Facebook (or where ever) like we’ve seen some enterprising former Newspaper journalists do with starting their own newspapers.

Oh yeah, I forgot to mention I was talking about the former BROADCAST studios of Rockhampton and Toowoomba, not the newsrooms themselves.

So with all the news happening across NSW recently, have any reporters from Nine Local News been used by TCN for their coverage across the day?

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Reminds me of the first-generation Q&A set as well as the set they previously used when on the road!