Nine News Local

I see Burdekin is actually a shire near Ayr.

So why don’t they just put “Ayr, near Townsville” on screen :smile:


yes! if they do, the meme will die!

Burdekin, near Ayr, near Townsville?


Townsville, near Burdekin, near Ayr, near Townsville.


Really bad error tonight in the local weather report… given it’s prerecorded I can’t believe they didn’t just redo it.

At the start of the report, despite the graphic on the TV behind Nicole clearly showing Townsville, she was reading the script for Rockhampton’s weather report. “We’ve had a lovely day in Rockhampton today, though it was a little windy offshore on Rundle Island today… let’s look at the chart”.

Nicole didn’t look at the screen while reading this.

Then when the local forecast came up, she began talking about rain until she turned to the screen and appeared flustered for a second before saying “ah ah mostly just as showers to the south at Bowen”. She then referred to the screen frequently for the rest of the report.


Yeah, Ayr is a part of the Burdekin region.

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Montage of last night’s 9 News North Queensland (Townsville):


I still can’t get over how they have done absolutely nothing to the Backdrop after over a year of being aired. Even with me meeting the people in charge of it, telling them they should look into it, and them confirming that as I told them, many people have also told them that, they still haven’t customised it. Surely it can’t be that difficult to do.


Is Nine News local on 9Now?


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it’s not?? i would of thought it would have been

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All they need to do is strip away the fake set and use the existing images clean on the key, and centre the presenters (except for OTS). 100% improved!


I know the weather is filmed eaelier. But they need to look over to pretebd like tgey are in the sane room. I find its weird how when they throw to weather and finish, they are just looking straight ahead

I’ve thought the same, but no head turns looks like its now standard in Australian news. SCTV Tas don’t do it, Seven RQLD don’t do it. Though Nine Adelaide did head turns in the early 2010s when they still had keyed weather.

Seven Adelaide always did it with the old wooden set but the green screen was always immediately off-side so it was still natural for a head turn. But for a while now, they’ve returned to green screen on the (commendable) rare occasion that Amelia’s actually presenting in the studio and not on-location. Head turns for Amelia very, but Jane and John don’t. Likely to do with the fact that the green screen is located in front and to the left of the set from Jane and John’s perspective.

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what region is that. All i know for my region (border north east) The local news is filmed in an upstairs room, and the weather must be filmed down in the main studio

I have some photos from melboruen, I’ll see if i can find them, and post them here.

My entire last paragraph was about Seven Adelaide’s green screen.

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But most stories are posted to the respective Facebook pages.

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And, in some cases, they’re uploaded RIGHT BEFORE local windows begin to air on television.

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but not all stories only stories that are promoted on the news break are uploaded