Nine News Content and Appearance

But when you are Editing stories on a Fast Turnaround there isn’t really time to blur out expletives. And that does take a bit of time but in that shot it shouldn’t take long if they did it.

Thats being said, wonder if this will end up on Media Watch this coming Monday? :wink:

I fail to see the problem considering most Australians use that as every second word. Who cares.

People who want to live in a civilised society?

I accept there are circumstances, such as when you’re amongst friends in a casual setting, where such language is used in conversation but there’s nothing worse than hearing it when you’re out with elderly relatives and there’s someone throwing such words around liberally. Most venues I go to have a policy on swearing and they enforce it. These aren’t particularly fancy places, either. It also isn’t accepted in any workplace I’ve been in. Seeing that word on screen isn’t something I’d care about but you can guarantee they would’ve received complaints. Hell, we get posts flagged here just because they contain coarse language.


I don’t associate swearing with a less civilised society. They’re just words. As you mentioned swearing is common place these days. It has become more accepted in all of the settings you mentioned and even though some prudes may not like it there’s no denying attitudes about it have changed.

I wouldn’t find it appropriate to hear much of it said on pre-recorded news but seeing a few words written isn’t a big deal. It is news and was part of the event being covered. I doubt ACMA will care either.

Edit: During the BLM protests in the US last year words were flying around like there was no tomorrow. The usually extremely prudish US media didn’t (and couldn’t really) do much about it. Granted Seven and Nine weren’t showing anything live today but it’s still not a huge deal.

Nine News is scheduled for 9pm tonight.

Did you mean Perth?

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Last At Nine: Nine News Perth


Agreed on the basis of societal standards. Would have been preferable blurred.

Which really tells you the kind of people you’re dealing with there.



It’s made by the same company behind the “zoom in and enhance” technology for photos. “Keep Dreaming Tech” I think they’re called. :wink:

The only technology that currently exists like that (and I know of) is voice to text recognition, which can help with transcribing scripts. However, the only one I really know of is from AVID and it’s stupidly expensive - at the moment I’d say it’s only used in post-production company workflows. I believe Adobe is working on a similar plugin - but these are still FAR from facial recognition and automatically blurring someone’s mouth/face. It’s all still done manually.

I’m like a few others, I don’t see the problem. It’s what happened and it’s news content. IMHO news should not be censored unless absolutely necessary.


9 Brisbane really hyping up the vaccine rollout. “From Coolangatta to Caboolture, from Mt Tamborine to Mr Gravatt, we’re taking you inside…blah blah…”

Or I should have written, would have been preferable using other vision without it.

Latest vaccine coverage promo for QLD


Imagine if QLD was in charge of creating the graphics for each state :nauseated_face:


While those graphics aren’t great…

…doesn’t that look better? :wink:


The use of exclamation marks on serious stories is extremely tacky and loses credibility. Not to mention the overly dramatic backdrop and graphics to boot.


Well, it’s a race to the bottom in Brisbane to see which channel can make the most cringe-worthy COVID vaccine promo. Not that I think much of some of the promos I’ve seen for the other cities.


Looks like Brisbane will be part anchored from Southport tonight image


Local COVID-19 rollout coverage

Part of Sydney coverage:

Part of Melbourne coverage:

Part of Adelaide coverage:

GC was live and included Tracey Smith joining Eva at one point.


Part of Perth coverage:


Montage of Gold Coast News tonight - ironically the night that Seven GC gets a Sports anchor, Dominique Loudon is away.