Nine News Content and Appearance (2015-Sept 2020)

One wonders if Amber Sherlock managed to see that while walking back into the TCN newsroom which likely had one of the screens running QTQ and their version of Nine News? :wink:

Anyway, it’s time for the latest instalment of the increasingly regular “TCN reporters filing content from Northern NSW which probably should be the responsibility of NBN” series with Kelly Fedor at Coffs Harbour Courthouse:

Some very dodgy quality video used in that report too, probably lazily ripped from the internet:

This is a new sponsor, isn’t it?

Nine News Sydney might also want to fix this problem with a couple of pixels of their screen:


nup, the TCN won’t have QTQ news on… not even when it’s not daylight savings time.


Blending into the background.

Worse would have been her seeing Wendy and Melissa both wearing red on the 6pm preview in the Afternoon News. Then, when she switched over to 10 Brisbane, Georgina (the anchor) and a reporter both wore red. Gasp!!

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While paying close attention to the background of live crosses to the TCN news exchange during the 6pm news in the past, I’ve seen what appear to be feeds of the Melbourne, Brisbane & Canberra bulletins on some of the screens.

As only @SydneyCityTV can do of course :+1:


that’d be on one of the multiview screens? not on big screen…

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Yeah, it would’ve been one of the screens on which would be used to monitor upcoming feeds and (also during news time) rival networks.

Admittedly I don’t know how exactly what channels would be displayed on the larger screens at any one time these days since it’s been quite a while since we last saw them on-air. But I’m fairly sure it’d be the industry standard for networks to at least have access to feeds of their own stations from other markets. Eg, TCN newsroom having access to GTV, QTQ, etc.


not necessarily, the actual studio outputs arent sent between the news departments. it goes from the studio to presentation, it’d be incidental that TCN have access to it… where they could watch QTQ news if the operator wanted to…


You’d be surprised. When I did work experience at one of the commercial networks, it was usually in error if the Sydney studio feed popped up internally. The only interstate content we got was the other stations exchanging clean feeds of stories.


This seems to be a much attention to detail. Eyecatching though.

As compared to this

Hope that Nine Perth will make more changes to their weather segment.


Amber doesn’t go back upstairs after the bulletins… she just takes her stuff with her to the studio and the old control room behind the studio.

I don’t know why they don’t just air the bulletin live and local, and simulcast it on the radio?


But she is technically breaking news.


Fiveaa absolutely wanted a noon slot to fill Cornesy’s podcast-broadcast place and I suspect Nine wouldn’t have been able to air it to television - they have nationally syndicated programs.

Question is, couldn’t they have just gotten Alan Hickey for an extra half-hour?

If they’re going to the trouble of making it they might as well air it for exposure and “localness”.

Either in place of, or even complimentary to, the national Morning News.


2 posts were merged into an existing topic: Five AA Adelaide

Oops. Nine News in Melbourne started with no audio. Then five seconds later switched to TCN!


I’m sure Melbournians would’ve absolutely loved seeing the resignation of the NSW Opposition Leader as the night’s top news story…NOT!

Surely cutting to one of the regional editions produced at GTV (presuming that there weren’t any technical difficulties with those) would’ve been a more logical back-up?


Exactly! Of very little interest south of the border.

Seven should cream Nine in Melbourne tonight.

Just had an acknowledgement from the Sydney newsreader that Melbourne viewers are watching. Better than the ABC can ever do when a similar thing happens!

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