Nine News Content and Appearance (2015-Sept 2020)

Some pretty fancy gear there.

Looks more like a robot than a camera, but then I suppose that’s what it really is.

I’m sure this has been asked before (I can’t find it though), but what is the reason behind the 6PM Brisbane bulletin being called Nine News Queensland? For Seven it makes sense, as regional viewers see a half hour of the Brisbane bulletin before after their local bulletins, but for Nine that isn’t the case. The bulletin isn’t seen at all by regional viewers on weekdays.

Other way around - the Brisbane bulletin from BTQ follows Seven Local News in regional Queensland

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Because QTQ doesn’t broadcast to just Brisbane. It broadcasts to South East Queensland, which is the Gold Coast, Brisbane, Ipswich, Logan, Caboolture, and the Southern Sunshine Coast. All of them are distinct cities, as opposed to say Sydney, where Western Sydney is still considered Sydney.

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Correct me if I’m wrong, but don’t the news bulletins on all networks in Brisbane South East Queensland refer to themselves as being a “Queensland” news bulletin rather than being a “Brisbane” one?

Anyway…as matlock has pointed out, because there are a number of areas within the TV licence area which see themselves as having a separate identity to Brisbane city. This is also why the viewing area is usually referred to as “the South East (of Queensland)” rather than “Brisbane” by all networks.


Surprised that QTQ’s weekday 6pm bulletin hasn’t rebranded as ‘9 News South East Queensland’ now that it isn’t seen outside of that region - then I’d go for uniformity across the board:

‘9 News Morning Edition’
‘9 News Afternoon Edition’
‘9 News [Region]’
‘9 News Weekend’

Perhaps for BTQ the solution is to split their 6pm bulletin in two: the first half hour as 7 News South East Queensland, and the second as 7 News Queensland (at 6:30). For the sake of uniformity, move the Gold Coast bulletin to 6pm, and co-ordinate a 6:30pm repeat on Prime7 GC (ala-7TWO in Queensland)

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I’m not sure if something similar happens with the 4pm bulletins in Melbourne and South East Queensland, but I reckon Nine needs to stop specifically referencing the Sydney 6pm presenters when the “next bulletin” plug is done at the end of Nine News Sydney at 4pm each weekday.

The team at Nine News Sydney do realise that approximately 2.5 million people in Regional NSW/ACT receive Vanessa O’Hanlon or Paul & Tash at 6pm instead of Peter Overton/Deborah Knight on weeknights, don’t they?

…or why not have separate brands on weeknights and weekends?

Nine News South East Queensland on weeknights and Nine News Queensland/NT on weekends
Nine News Sydney on weeknights and Nine News New South Wales/ACT on weekends
Nine News Melbourne on weeknights and Nine News Victoria on weekends

You get the idea, Simple, effective, still positioned as “local” but more inclusive from a regional perspective.

The Early News was broadcasted from studio 24 today.

Queensland gets told who is doing the regional and the metro bulletins.

However, I don’t mind the Sydney closer, after all it is Nine Afternoon News SYDNEY. And, if more viewers are mislead by thinking they can watch Pete Overton at 6pm, that is a bonus for Nine right?

That would be great although if it does get implemented, I do wonder what SA and WA will be getting considering there isn’t local news and would either be renamed Nine News SA/WA or remain as Adelaide/Perth.

From a technical perspective it would be a bonus I suppose, although I’m not so sure about those up in NBN land who probably don’t even know who the Sydney presenter is.

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Slight problem here


Nine Live Perth promo for June 2018

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That promo makes no sense to me…?


I think they would want to keep the branding consistent across the 7 days of the week.

It may be confusing to metro viewers as to why there are different names on weeknights vs weekends.

Also, the structure of the bulletin doesn’t really change ie. weather is still pretty much the same on all 7 days regardless of whether regionals are taking the bulletin or not.

And some regional areas get the metro bulletin on all 7 nights eg. Imparja, Mildura. Griffith.

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A slight blooper during sport in Melbourne last night. Camera was on Hitch while Tony was presenting a story.



Something that most likely won’t mentioned on Nine News Sydney tonight, but will be mentioned by yours truly on Media Spy because I’d like to think a few people on these forums still care about Sydney’s broadcast media history as much as I do.

Tonight marks 25 years since Brian Henderson was left in the dark on National Nine News, which was either due to a power failure or a blown fuse depending on which report you saw in the paper the following day. Of course this moment was perhaps most notable for the following “Henderson-ism” which Peter Overton has (partially) used a couple of times when the lights have gone out in recent years:

“We’ll put another shilling in the meter and come back”

But my favourite was probably the comment made by Ken Sutcliffe at the cross to sport:

“Nice to see you again!” - to which Kenny smiled and Hendo chuckled. :smile:


There have been a number of revisions to Nine’s “Cool Hand Luke” theme over the decades, which is your favourite? The names I’ve given myself in case any years are inaccurate (based on recordings uploaded to YouTube).

This list only includes the National and metro bulletins, Gold Coast is not included as their use of themes was extremely out of place.

  • Original mix (1980s-2000; MELB until 2001)
  • National millennium mix (2000-08)
  • Melbourne millennium mix (2001-08)
  • Dot-less mix (2006-08; not MELB or ADEL)
  • Nine News mix (2008-present)

0 voters

Note that Adelaide used the National millennium mix until either 2004/05 when they suddenly changed to the Melbourne millennium mix (National mix but with an extra sound effect overlay).

I voted for the “National Millennium mix” (2000-06) but personally, I’d like to see Nine News do a modern update of their theme music before overly long since it’s just about the oldest news theme music in use on Australian TV.

Others will probably disagree but after turning NBN News’ theme music from sounding “like something from Star Wars” or “a bad dance track from Late 2004” into arguably one of the best pieces of music currently used on Australian TV news for the 2014 relaunch, I’d really like to see Nine give Laurence Schuberth a go at composing an update to the Cool Hand Luke-derived theme music.


IIRC, GTS-BKN has the oldest theme, it’s release dating back to 1989!

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I was definitely aware of that however since the rebrand to “Seven Local News” for that bulletin is a couple of weeks away, I figured that the GTS/BKN Local News will probably adopt Seven News’ 2016-current theme music on July 2.


they didn’t use it then though, it’s only been in use since early 2000s.

The 9 theme used to be iconic with the ringing and the big ending, now it’s just a mishmash.

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