This is the reason why I like Seven’s graphics more. Nine’s graphics are pollution on-air. Whereas I find Seven’s much cleaner and out of the way.
You’d think they’d have a better style guide when it comes to a maximum of how many word/characters they should fit on the strap. Looks amateur.
I wonder about the purpose of the small blue headline - with so much info in the white strap it seems repetitive to include the same info there as well. Why not use it for some aspect of the story (like the location) that reduces the clutter below!.
So in the last cap it might be something like this
Instead of
Nine’s straps are messy overall. The previous straps were much neater and although I believe an update was needed the current straps certainly need to be neatened up and wording considered as said above.
There have been worse instances in the past where you needed to read the short headline
This was a classic
Wasn’t that only on one night? Probably just the usual caption writers were sick and some intern took the reins.
Here are some closers from Nine’s National Afternoon News in May/June last year. most of them use the standard closing wide shot of the desk. It seems to me whenever Amelia presents they usually use that wide desk shot at the end of the bulletins:
Queensland Morning News today:
Automation getting a bit too excited for sport:
Can’t work out the correct word - is supposed to be “drovers” or “divers”?
Not a huge fan of how inconsistent these graphics are. The imagery is fine but they should create a standard template for the text and stick with it rather than having all these different fonts, colours, sizes, placements, flare/shadows etc.
Agreed but it looks so much better than what GTV put out with the graphics and headline in red/white Impact font for every single thing!
Similar to what 7 in Sydney and Melbourne do. Personally, I don’t like special backgrounds. Is there really a need to have each story have its own special background?
The above Perth ones would have all been fine with me, except for the different font used in the Easter Egg one. The others all look to have the same font in the text, and that would have been enough for me in terms of having a consistent element in there.
I see no problem, all is in order.
The Easter Shitshow
Has a real nice ring to it
inb4 he should get fired for this
Seen this article on TV Tonight:
What more does Seven want? It clearly says in the top left corner: 7 News First
I get that rivalry is a thing, but now they’re really acting petty.