Nine (NBN)

If that guide is correct, then that’s a bit of mish-mash of branding they’ve got going on there…

NBN, GO!, GEM, 9Life, NBNHD.
(also that GO/GEM aren’t branded as 9 also).

But good to see that HD will be up and running before the NRL season proper begins. Looks like they might win the HD race against WIN.

that’s only on the guides on their website etc - it’s branded as 9Go and 9Gem everywhere else.

Again, it should be consistent then.

it really should be 9NBN

It really should be 9…they haven’t been NBN for years, just a shell of their formerselves.

NBN should be on 9now app.

Yes change the station name and rebrand it as nine. Darwin did it years ago.

That way it will not be confused with the national broadband network

Hmm you mean the NBN news? I very much strongly doubt it. They have yet to put the Darwin news on 9 now.

…or Nine Gold Coast News. Another bulletin produced by Nine, yet it’s not available in full online.

Anyway, back to the topic at hand. How do we know that they’re not planning to gradually phase out the NBN branding for the Channel Nine brand that the metro markets, Gold Coast and Darwin get?

Personally I think that gradually phasing the NBN brand out is the best thing to do. If it was a straight cut transition, you could just imagine all the “It’s disgraceful how Sydney is taking over OUR local NBN TV!” complaints from parochial Novocastrians who probably don’t realise that NBN has been owned by the same company as Nine for years now.


It is 9HD

An ad was just played saying “9HD will be available to Northern NSW and the Gold Coast” and the logo is 9HD with “NBN” under the HD.

They are definitely phasing NBN out slowly.


Wonder if the SD version of NBN will also have a 9 logo somewhere.

GEM/GO! have been renamed 9GEM & 9GO!.

For reference the LCNs are this at the moment:
80 9GEM
81 NBN
82 9GEM
83 9GO!
85 eXtra
88 9GO!


They’ll probably use the same logo as the 9 Gold Coast watermark. Sounds like the HD one will be like that, too.


Nice foot photobomb… Insert [quote=“SydneyCityTV, post:69, topic:208”]
It’s disgraceful how Sydney is taking over OUR local NBN TV!
[/quote] here

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Yeah a friend is here for mum’s 66th birthday today :blush:

Here is the promo:


Wonder how long the little NBN will be there?

Not sure, but it looks rather tacky IMO.

I really couldn’t see that logo working as a watermark, especially if there’s going to be “:::9 HD NBN Newcastle” or something like that!

How hard would it have been to centre that logo/final slide? :slightly_smiling: