Nice Bastille Day Attack

Seven News now rebroadcasting CNN live.


I never understand why when Aussie networks take foreign feeds - can’t they adjust their bug / GFX to at least work with the foreign network.
For example
7 news Logo could
Sit neatly above the cnn logo

Today went live in Adelaide at 7:50 vision went from Richards movie reviews than straight into breaking news from France and the clock was removed. I received a notification on my phone from 9alerts at the same time


Today extended this morning due to the attack in Nice, France.

Broadcasting live across the country currently.


[quote=“NQCQTV2, post:555, topic:101”]
Today extended this morning due to the attack in Nice, France.
[/quote] When did it finish AEST? 10am? 11am?

11am AEST

Gone straight into 9 Breaking News, instead of Today Extra.


During the extended coverage of the Nice attacks, Lisa kept giving the wrong local time for Nice for the entire coverage, forgetting to factor in Daylight Saving.

At one point they were showing 40 minute old footage from France’s TV coverage with “23:42” listed on the screen while saying, “it’s currently 11:20pm in France”.

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With Today finishing at 11am rolling coverage continued with Deborah Knight at 11am this morning to cover Bastille day attack in Paris.


Rolling coverage going out live nationwide from 11am AEST, 9am AWST.


[quote=“NQCQTV2, post:537, topic:67”]
Rolling coverage going out live nationwide from 11am AEST, 9am AWST.
[/quote] No local news? Yes! Probably a national afternoon news too.

National bulletin.

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9 has just finished their rolling coverage and has gone to a movie. 7 still has rolling coverage. No news on 10 they have a Masterchef replay. ABC News 24 has continuous coverage obviously. SBS has Tour de France replay.

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Seven’s coverage is still going on

Weekend Sunrise is 6am - 11am on Saturday due to today’s events.

(Amended schedule received from 7)


Today starting at 6am tomorrow morning.


[quote=“Salty, post:20, topic:1560, full:true”]
Today starting at 6am tomorrow morning.
[/quote] Probably would have been good to have Pete co-hosting this weekend. If I were them, with Mike Amor on Weekend Sunrise, I would drop Stevie’s appearance tomorrow in place of someone more experienced and with some journalistic skills.

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Ten won’t and can’t cover this. They simply don’t have the resources. They’re a disaster area. The news room is lucky to be open by 9am in the morning.

And of course they have no reporters in Europe and will struggle to ring up a freelancer and get them to do some sort of coverage for 5pm.


And they don’t care IMO. I suppose Studio 10 just briefly touched on it.

Seven had rolling coverage in Perth until 12noon simulcasting CNN at times

Saying they don’t care is a bit ridiculous, as CMO has said numerous times they just don’t have the resources and journalists to cover this adequately outside of their flagship 5pm bulletin. Of course they care, you’d be hard pressed to find anyone who didn’t care about the poor people who lost their lives in this attack.

Studio 10 in my opinion did the right thing, they brought viewers the news they needed to know as it was unfolding and as developments came to hand however they provided a point of difference from the rolling coverage on the other networks for those who didn’t want to watch the repetitive footage/analysis/experts for some fun light hearted viewing.

I know what I would have rather watched.