Must be Friday
Response to The Australian editorial
The Australian’s editorial on 8 June (“Greatest enemy of truth is those who conspire to lie”) made serious and unfounded allegations against two ABC journalists, Louise Milligan and Sally Neighbour, and the Four Corners team.
To see The Australian use its editorial space in such a way undermines the traditions of journalism it purports to stand for.
ABC Managing Director David Anderson stated his position clearly at Senate Estimates this w…
The conclusion of The Australian’s editorial:
Many senior people at The Australian know well the work, the habits and the hubris of Sally Neighbour and Louise Milligan.
To be good you often need to be brash, and brave. But to be really good, you need to be beyond reproach. Your loyalty to the truth must be without question. Fairness and balance is your currency. It has to be. Think of the opposite qualities to answer why. The subjects of good journalism, of important journalism, lie and dissemble. Good journalists do not. They rely on the truth. They yearn for it. But they understand the limits. In many respects the natural enemy of a journalist, aside from a public relations hack, or a political flack, is the defamation lawyer. The most dangerous enemy of the journalist is bad, lazy, deceitful journalism.
The last sentence more accurately describes the ‘journalism’ of News Corp’s Jonathon ‘JMo’ Moran and Annette Sharp, rather than Sally Neighbour and Louise Milligan.
An example of the work of Annette Sharp where she defamed lawyer Chris Murphy:
And Moran’s defamation of Geoffrey Rush: