News Breakfast

Even with the reception desk in the background it looks great. Shits all over Sunrise and Today.


It does. They need to commission an updated lightwell graphic though given the new large and extended displays. You can see how they’ve tried to stretch it.

Noticed they removed the blue and orange graphic overlay on the screens surrounding the main desk background. Looks better with them I think as it obscures how the graphic has been repeated/stretched.


I disagree. In that throw to weather, the space looks brighter and more open now. The blue and orange graphic was so dull:

I agree, though, that an updated backdrop graphic, maybe with some different colours, would look nice.


Did this just change this morning?

Oooh it does look better from a wide shot.

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Looks great, haven’t watched since Virginia left (just change of my hours, not the show). And no wonder it is #2 now, it looks like a commercial standard offering visually now. Much easier on the eyes.


Commercial standard isn’t necessarily better than ‘public standard’. Plenty of occasions where the ABC and SBS is superior to the commercial networks.

“visually”, I get what you mean, but in this case I mean visually appealing to mass audiences.


HD also helps, something News Breakfast didn’t have up until about a year ago while Sunrise and Today have been in full 1080i (at least to some degree) pretty much since Seven & Nine reinstated the HD versions of their main channel in 2015/16.

Yes, it’s clear the presentation of the show has improved dramatically from the cheap cardboard set elements it originated from.


Monday (04.05.2020) - Friday (08.05.2020): Madeline Morris is co-hosting with Michael this week.


Lisa is away on assignment this week.Screenshot_20200504-081705~2


Is it just me or in the past couple of months as their ratings rose, so too have the number of station tie-ins? This morning alone they’ve plugged Julia Zemiro’s new show plus the JJJ Requestival.

We always smack Seven and Nine around for their cross promotions so it’s about time ABC faced the same scrutiny.

I’m waiting to hear about the Cash Crocodile


Other than Covid 19 stories, You have to remember there hasn’t been too much other news out there. All morning shows are trying to fill 3 hours of new content. The ABC is using all its platforms to help out.

For News Breakfast, I don’t think that’s unusual - the second and especially third hours of the show are sprinkled with cross promotion. Whether that’s a good or bad thing is a matter of personal preference, but I can understand how content might be a bit thin on the ground in the morning. You do see News Breakfast repeat their interviews from earlier in the morning, especially on slower news days.


It’s been happening for years and years.

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LOL, News Breakfast would probably have a mascot wanting people to donate money to the ABC rather than the other way round! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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Tassie Tiger. Donate now before we are extinct too. :stuck_out_tongue:

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