Newcastle - Survey 2, 2024


Triple M remain on top with 21.1% (-2.2), followed by Hit with 15.2% (+1.9), New FM with 11.9% (+0.9), JJJ with 11.1% (+1.1), ABC Newcastle with 6.3% (-1.0), and 2HD with 5.2% (-1.1).

In the demos, Hit is #1 in the under-40s, with Triple M topping the 40-64s, and 2HD winning the 65+.

In breakfast, Triple M’s Tanya & Steve is #1 with 24.6% (+0.1), followed by Hit’s Jess & Ducko with 16.2% (+1.5), JJJ’s Concetta & Luka with 10.3% (+0.3), and New FM’s The Novos with 8.7% (+0.9).
In drive, Triple M’s Rush Hour dominates with 22.7% (-1.0), followed by Hit’s Carrie & Tommy with 17.8% (+0.5), JJJ’s Tyrone & Abby with 12.6% (+0.1), and New FM’s Joel Gosper with 12.5% (-1.3).

The “Other Stations” share this survey is at 23.7%, down 1.0 from the previous survey.


So sad. Australia’s seventh largest market and it’s a moribund market.


2 from 2 - these aren’t too bad figures for NewFM outside of breakfast.

Has NewFM made any noticeable changes? Or is it the fact SCA are lacking in resources towards Hit106.9 especially?

If the day ever comes when NewFM topple Hit106.9, it’ll be too late for SCA.


Only the “Local As” focus which is a good move. Also, their music has been more consistent in recent times. Still skews a bit pop but they do play a rock track every 3 or 4 songs which is why I prefer to have New on at work over Hit.

Jess and Ducko had a good result this survey. I think Ducko has been better since Nick hasn’t been there. It sucks that the show isn’t local anymore but it’s usually pretty entertaining.

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The AM stations have super low ratings. It’s this trend consistent across other cities or Newcastle specific?

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