New Zealand TV

Disagree to an extent. There is going to be some major financial ramifications for a lot of sporting organisations as a result of this, Netball Mainland’s issues are just the tip of the iceberg.

Still plenty of sports stories, just requires a bit of creativity.


The Cafe, PreRecorded at Carly Flynn’s home this week, staying within her bubble with the help of her husband who is a camera operator and the show is being edited remotely. The show also had this billboard before it started.


I have noticed “The AM Show” on Three has the same disclaimer at the end of it the other morning when I flicked past it


Replacing TVNZ2+1?


Seems like it. Better use of bandwidth imo.

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This is a really good examination into how much trouble the media industry is in NZ and how the Coronavirus has only exacerbated the problems everyone bar TVNZ find themselves in

Does that mean we are going to say goodbye to the one-hour timeshift services?

It’s only temporary for about a month.

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…and only during school hours.

There’s supposed to be two services, so I guess Maori TV will be playing out the Te Reo channel, on Te Reo then?


We are not going to say goodbye to the one-hour timeshift services like TVNZ 2 +1. In fact, educational programming will run on TVNZ 2 +1 from 9am to 3pm on weekdays for about a month (I think).

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Paul Henry is back a across the ditch. Had a stint here in Australia in 2012

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Also posted in the Newshub topic as it is going to be a Newshub show / production team.


These new classifications coming in from May ( just seem complicated. Gone from three simple ones to six, with added extras… will anyone take any notice of these when watching TV?

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To most people, no. But for those parents that care, it gives extra clarity on whats suitable for their kids

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@TV4 Actually, there are five: G, PG, M, 16 and 18. With four audience advisory symbols: C (content may offend), L (language may offend), V (contains violence) and S (sexual content may offend).

They are now similar to the classifications in Australia, G, PG, M, MA15+ R18. Plus the classifications associated with it.

From 1 May 2020 the classification labels for free-to-air television programmes will change from G, PGR and AO, to G, PG, M, 16, and 18.

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Three will show a special concert Music from the Home Front this Saturday night (April 25) at 9.30pm as a tribute to frontline health workers in Australia and NZ. This event will also air on Nine in Australia (see Nine Network schedules thread).