Heard her tell a caller tonight she was told by bosses when discussing doing talkback she would need to be right wing… She’s easy to listen to, perhaps they could start her off with a weekend spot instead of the hours of ‘Best of’ rubbish.
Graeme Hill (Radio Live Weekend Variety Wireless) hosting Magic Talk Afternoons this week (in for Sean Plunket). I never listened to his Radio Live show so didn’t know what all the fuss was about when Live was axed but he is good.
I was watching a George FM livestream online and they completely forgot to turn off the live stream at midnight.
Throughout the midnight period, you would see the George FM new studios from their cameras, see what song is playing now or whats playing next, its really interesting to see inside.
(First screenshot is where the staff is likely cleaning the desks and stuff.)
It’s the end of an era for Magic Music at its old headquarters but, from tomorrow (29 July), Magic is on the move to MediaWorks’ brand new headquarters at Hargreaves Street.