New Zealand Print Media

A page to discuss New Zealand Newspapers, Magazines &c &c &c…

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RNZ’s reporting that the NZ Herald are considering rebranding their little papers (article here).

Nice idea, but the only problem I see with this, other than abandoning decades of history, is the paper in Timaru, the Timaru Herald, which isn’t an NZME asset.


The former Fairfax stable of photo archives are being auctioned by lot. Process started earlier this year (2023). Web address is

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The wrong thread for this but not sure where else to discuss NZME news.

This is a significant sale and power play by NZME. By acquiring SunMedia - the publisher of the SunLive platform in the BOP - it becomes the monopoly publisher in the Bay of Plenty.


Another acquisition by NZME. It definitely seems like NZME is investing/diversifying its portfolio. Would be about the only media company in New Zealand doing that right now.

Buying them up while they’re going cheap, maybe?

This is really cool - the NBR are offering free subscriptions to all NZ uni students this year:

(apologies for the source)


First a TV bulletin, now this? Someone’s a bit flush… here’s hoping it lasts.