That’s a bloody outrage it is!
I don’t have the cash for the licencing of yours
I’m ashamed about how much time I spent on this
Streamable Link
closed 1m ago
may the best logo win
Bugger. I’m 6 mins too late.
I vote for the above lol
And we have a winner, thankyou all for voting
Oh please do tell!
As I said before, you’ll find out when it goes live
Can we ask the estimated time of arrival?
After the tennis
Looks like I’m too late; wanted to show @Bort my new idea for a Media Spy logo
southern cross mediaspy is my favourite forum
All we need are two-minute noodle News Updates are we are set.
Congrats to whoever has won. Can’t wait to see it revealed
So I read that supposedly Nine News will get a relaunch on Monday, has that delayed the plans for the Media Spy relaunch?
So the relaunch is now hours old and there’s been no meltdown on here about it? What are people doing today, off drinking beer in the pool or something?!
Congratulations @Zacgb - it’s an excellent design and looks really good within the forum layout
Thank you!
Looks awesome mate