Network 10 2019

That’s a real shame! I’ve always enjoyed Shark Tank. It and Googlebox are the only shows that even remotely interest me on Ten or any of its multi channels.


Oops! The Bohemian Rhapsody promo with the old Ten logo just played in Perth. It lives! :joy:


As I noted on Twitter, it aired in Sydney last night (time difference, remember? :wink:) as well!

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The article is exactly the boot kicking the headline implies.

Story behind paywall here.

holy moley what a hatchet job. essentally saying he only got the green light because they need to keep him happy for because he’s behind the project

No CBS watermark cover up for The Late Show with Stephen Colbert:


Okay, I know this question sounds stupid but do you guys know what font 10 is using now for their promos/graphics?

Aaaaaaand the winning number today is…

Beginning of an era. Come on 10, you’ve got this. Give it to us. Looking very forward to 10 in 2019.


10 on the front cover of The Australian tomorrow.


So I just found out 10 is using Barlow as their new corporate font

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I’ll be controversial and say I don’t like the shadow. Much prefer the watermark version of the logo with the clear curve through the 1, has more impact and is more iconic without all that fussy detailing.

Hopefully they will do what Seven did and switch to the simplified version when they do their next update in a few years.


7’s first logo also had gradient but dropped it in 2003.

I have to say I quite like the new 10 logo.

The old one lasted 28 (?) years or thereabouts, that seemed like an eternity after almost yearly logo changes in the late 80s-early 90s.

But it was definitely time for a change.

10 in numerals looks much better than Ten in letters.

I’m way less convinced about ditching ONE and 11 in favour of BOSS and PEACH. I think that could turn out to be a mistake… I would have just restyled the ONE and 11 logos to match the new 10 logo and left it at that.


I mean considering their was word that The Project was getting shopped to other networks in years prior, wouldn’t surprise me if giving Rove an on air vehicle once more secures its future at 10.

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What was the Twist?

I scheduled an overnight recording (to catch CBS This Morning) and by chance also captured an updated paid presentation slide:


Peach and Boss use horrible fonts.

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My humble thoughts : Firstly in 52 Weeks since CBS took over 10 I am very proud of the direction the network is heading in to employ over 200 new sales staff & split from MCN & Focus on solely on the 10 network is a great achievement.
The Rebranding new logo etc is Very American but also very fresh , Fun & Personality +
Content wise The Conner’s minus Roseanne will have limited appeal likewise murphy brown.
IMHO I Understand why 10 isn’t going full on with News in the early Morning 7, 9, ABC, & SBS have News Saturated through the day from early morning to 7pm.
Why should 10 do the same.
Yes Studio 10 goes for too long needs to be fun, relaxed targeting the 18- 49 demographic 10 are targeting.
I get the 10 News First is the brand Name but sadly for the non media public it’s open to ridicule first at 5 lol
I’m looking Forward to Seeing 10’s full news tonight.
As one CBS executive Recently said in the media recently “Its an evolution not a revolution “
I seriously Believe 10 will be the Number 1 - 2 channel in 2020- 2022 I believe its a 5 year strategy.
The possibility’s Are endless For 10

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Also I found that 10 Peach uses two fonts. Their headline font for promos and other stuff is a font called Poppins.
Their other font is 10’s new corporate font, Barlow.
Not sure what Boss uses as their headline font like the one on the Hawaii 5-0 promo.

Plus a different font for the “10 Peach” logo itself. Either Barlow or Poppins would have been better. Maybe somebody could do a mock.