Network 10 2019

11:16am, Studio 10 has a story on all the changes coming!

is it just me, or is it a tad blurry??..everytime I look at it my eyes go out of focus

Likely just because it’s a cropped picture from the fairly low resolution cap.

It’s because it’s a screen cap from a clip on another site.

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I’m fascinated to read initial responses.

You just wait for what’s to come.


It’s a screen cap from the YouTube video and I was in a hurry, sorry.

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Is it all revealed tonight?


no need to apologise for sharing that!

just glad it wont be like that for ever :smile:

This has gotta be the first Upfront I’m genuinely excited about!

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Awww. I was so looking forward to another day of anticipation and wild speculation and somebody went and stole Ten’s thunder. Party pooper…


The new logo looks great! Given the dire straits they are in, I think an overhaul was warranted.

Still loathe the multichannel names. Someone posted links to new social accounts which I disagree with. Surely 10 would just rename the reskin the old Eleven and One accounts to keep all the followers.

Omfg. They’re placeholders to stop people stealing the usernames, the current accounts will transition to the new handles.


10 stole its own thunder.

Don’t “omfg” me please.


At the upfronts, yes…

Now… my hot tip, and this could be wrong, it all launches on air at 6.30pm tonight.



So the Project is the launch pad… I guess that makes sense so that Ten can talk to the audience about it.

I do wonder if heads are rolling today over the publishing of the 10 all access graphics…? Or is all as expected i wonder…?

They wouldn’t have made a mistake.

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The videos may not have meant to be on their insider account for the public to see, they could’ve had them uploaded but not published and embargoed until the upfronts tonight.