National Nine News Melbourne 2001-2003


video coming soon


With Peterā€™s seal of approval :grin:


Does GTV still use that ā€œOn relay throughout Victoriaā€ line at the end? I like it.

Wouldnā€™t make sense anyway given that they arenā€™t on relay throughout Victoria anymore :wink:

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Fair point. Did they use it until Nine News Regional came in in was it 2017?

From what I remember (and from all the montages I have seen :stuck_out_tongue: ), I can never recall seeing it used in recent times - that cap is honestly the first time I have seen it.

Iā€™d guess it was maybe dropped soon after that? (2003ish?)

Well, technically they still are on weekends (and I guess Christmas Day, if that counts)! :wink:

Either then or with the 2004 relaunch would be my guess. Wonder if the ā€œThis has been a National Nine News Presentationā€ voiceover was axed at the same time.

From the clips Iā€™ve seen, the Melbourne edition of National Nine News seemed to have the more unique presentational style of the three main network O&O stations until relatively recent history. For example, I think GTV still used their Opener super to display the date as recently as 2010-11 while TCN/QTQ used it for a brief description of the headline?


Yeap, they included the date until the 2012 relaunch. And currently, they use a bit more of the theme at the start of the opener and Iā€™m pretty sure they still use those ā€˜outdatedā€™ fonts that no one else uses for the OTS graphics.

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Nine News Melbourne were a dominant force at this time. I believe they averaged a 200k lead some nights over seven.

I remember the AGE reporting rumours that seven were contemplating axing itā€™s local weekend news presented by Jennifer Adams. I believe Jo Hallā€™s bulletin was the most watched local news bulletin in the country.

Seven recruited new management in 2003, which lead to a change in direction.


Hereā€™s the full bulletin from 7/11/2002:


And when Nine had the rights to Friday night and Sunday afternoon AFL, the Melbourne bulletin often had a lead of over 500k on Sundays with the AFL lead-in.


I believe Ten News even rated higher than Seven News in Melbourne during this period?

Just goes to show how much of a joke Seven News was in that market (and Sydney for that matter) back then.

Nine News Melbourne on 29/7/2002
With Peter Hitchener

Video courtesy from As Seen on Tv channel