@moderators Might be worth changing the name of this thread since it clearly isn’t dedicated to the Late bulletin
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@moderators Might be worth changing the name of this thread since it clearly isn’t dedicated to the Late bulletin
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It’s from late 2000-2003, not Nine’s Late News or as it was known at the time ‘Nightline’
Oh my bad. Brain fart
Haha it’s that time of year
National Nine News Adelaide - Saturday 11/11/2000 with Georgina McGuinness, Ken Cunningham and Xaiver Minniecon
Set Shots/Story Intros:
Sport Stats:
Upcoming Story Break bumpers:
That “Mercantile Mutual Cup” Full Screen Graphic might’ve came from GTV?
National Nine News Queensland - Wednesday 19/12/2001 with Mike London, Jillian Whiting, Walley Lewis and Natalie Gruzlewski
News Presentation
Even from the small glimpses of the Brisbane skyline in those caps, its evident how much Brisbane’s grown since.
Where are you Zampakid, are you doing any more National Nine News Late 2000-2003?
This was packahe was August 2000 to January 2004.
The package launched just before the Sydney Olympics and lasted until just after Ian Ross left TCN-9. Also the second last package with the globe branding.
I have a life…
Not at this moment…and I suppose you’re waiting for me to upload something so then you re-upload them afterwards?
Nothing rustles my jimmies more than some kid reuploading your videos for absolutely no reason other than to have a copy. Even worse when they point a fucking camera at their computer screen to record them.
If that’s you on YouTube nicking others’ videos and uploading them in parts … it’s time to stop.
National Nine News Sydney - Wednesday 14/8/2002 with the late Brian Henderson, Ken Sutcliffe and Georgie Gardner
The golden era of National Nine News