Narrowcast and AM Narrowband Radio

Thanks for the heads-up. Not my flavour of radio stations so I don’t tend to look at their webpages that often. Just received an email yesterday re turn off today…

I was waiting for that comment from someone. :grin:

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I’m currently recording the switchoff at the moment. Expect to see it up soon. :+1:

Anything replacing it or is it just gone?

As of 12pm today, an hour later than expected, the transmitter was finally turned off. 1611 AM is now officially off-air. I’ll post the recording soon.

Apologies for the poor reception, but here’s the final moments of Vision Christian Radio Sydney on the AM band. (Credit: @tvcl WEB-888 SDR Webserver)

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As per VA’s statement from their Sydney page: (NOTE: This one contains the old switchoff date of 15th March 2025, please ignore this as they are now off-air.)

NOTE: Our Western Sydney 1611AM radio service will be switched off on 15 March 2025 due to the development of Badgery’s Creek Airport and surrounding infrastructure across Western Sydney

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Almost but not quite, the transmitter site & mast is on the side of the road which skits the Northern end of the West Sydney airport in someone’s paddock, it’d be close to being directly under the flight path off the end of the runway which wouldn’t help it staying in its current location & also the owners of the land probably want to sell it off for a lot of money as I doubt they’ll want to live there anymore either.

He got sick of them too

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On the subject of 1611 Western Sydney, does anyone remember the short lived ‘Traffic 1611’? This would have been around the late 00s or possibly 2010-11. @TV-Expert will probably remember.

I have an aircheck of it received from Cooma playing test music. I don’t think this ever got to air with live traffic? I also remember receiving this test from Oatley.

There was also ‘The Goanna’ for a time which was a country music station. They had quite a few MF NAS (X Band) outlets at one stage. And way back when of course 1611 was home to Radio 2.

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I don’t remember that, but I do remember 2GW on 1611. Lasted less than 18 months from memory.

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Yes, I do remember ‘Traffic 1611’. I seem to recall them playing “Peg” by Steely Dan whenever I’ve tuned in from time to time. :slight_smile:

Here’s a Radioinfo article about it from February 2011:


It even took ATN reports…

I recall 2KM on 1620 as well. It was a ‘sister station’ to 2KY, broadcasting music whilst the other was almost 100% racing. I think Gareth McCrae programmed it and did the lion’s share of the on-air work.

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I remember 2KM, but also around September 1996, that station broadcast the racing in the day and dance musicat night. They called themselves Edge Radio or something like that and had some low power FM translators on 87.6-88 MHz around the Sydney outskirts. If memory serves me correctly, 1341 Newcastle and 1314 Wollongong had the same programming (i.e. racing in the day, dance music overnight).

Weird you mentioned Peg / Steely Dan. Breeze FM played that this week - hadn’t heard it in years and years.

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At my location, turning off the Sydney transmitter essentially just knocks out daytime reception. At night, I still get Vision on 1611 kHz – and with better signal quality than groundwave during the daytime from Western Sydney.

I wonder which Vision relay the nighttime reception is from.

1629 also seems to be Vision.


1611 is either Tamworth or Chiltern (Albury/Wodonga) according to the website. 1629 is Bathurst.

Has 1611 Western Sydney always been from Badgerys Creek or have there been other sites?


I’m pretty sure 1611 at one stage came from St Marys back in the early 2000s. This was in the Radio 2 days