Narrowcast and AM Narrowband Radio

That will upset some of the toffs on the manors around there!


They may stream everything on their Starlink connection and think radio is for people who can’t afford their setup?


MF NAS series Andy are only 6 KHz (6K00A3E)
They are supposed to roll off / limit the bandwidth… but not many do……

In terms of deviation, they all sounds pretty limited to me. To be honest, im not sure how anyone could enjoy the audio. But each to their own. Am is hard enough, let alone narrowband off band.

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Back in the motherland for a little while, and noticed the 3GL site at Leopold once again has two masts. Presuming this means they might be back at full power once again?


Have had a bit of a break from radio until today and noticed that 3GL is blank carrier on 87.6, 1341 is on air but I’m a bit too close to tell if it’s at full power

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I just had a listen, and they are running at increased power, and increased audio levels.


I can also confirm I can hear 1341 through some old school AM DXing, abiet very poor reception quality due to a large amount of lightning around me (within 50km) currently.


Raw fm is sounding fresh lately! Only hear it twice but they have a jingle now that sounds similar to that of some of the UK stations but it sounds fantastic.


Don’t know if this counts but…

50.5FM, reciecved at Sydney Olympic Park Hockey Cetbre, Chinese something or other. Related to Lunar New Year?

54.6mhz and 70.2mhz - the director of 7’s coverage pointing out what needs to be switched to. Usually 70.2mhz is the SportsEars ref channel for NRL and Rugby Uniion.


During my nighttime Dxing session, noticed that AMV Canberra is on the air for their annual Ramadan Broadcast on 99.5. The holy month of Ramadan has started tonight BTW.


Anyone have any idea what these will be for?

They’re listed as “BC - Broadcast Station, Sound” Narrowband Area Service stations to start on 12 March on 85.4, 86.0, 86.6 and 87.2 MHz.


That’s unusual to be broadcasting on frequencies where no one’s gonna be listening. Radio receivers sold in Australia can only get stations between 87.5 and 108.0 on the FM band. I’m assuming the broadcasters have designed for this to be a private cultural broadcast? Or maybe perhaps one that only those with Chinese FM receivers (76.0-108.0 MHz) can receive?

Japan, Brazil and Chile also use 76-87.5 MHz. Although Japan only uses 76-95 MHz, many radios sold there these days can tune the whole 76-108 MHz. Brazil and Chile use the whole 76-108 MHz.

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The PA People are renowned for providing special event communications.


I was about to say the same thing. But this won’t be for actual comms (two way radio) which PAP usually runs via Motorola radios and FreeSpeak DECT, etc. in other frequency bands.

This will most likely be for linking PA feeds between different areas. Probably for some outdoor festival.


I’m guessing it’s for Neon Playground which starts this weekend.

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This is extremely short notice, only received 5 hours ago, 1611kHz Vision Christian Radio (Sydney) is ceasing transmission tomorrow.

Service Announcement

Notice of Sydney 1611AM closure

Thank you for listening to Vision Christian Radio! Whether you’ve been with us for years or just discovered us, we’re grateful for your support and how you seek God every day.

As advised previously, due to changes at Badgery’s Creek, our Western Sydney 1611AM service will end tomorrow, 13th March at 11am.

But don’t worry! You can still listen via DAB+ digital radio, our free Vision app, our website, or smart speakers.


I’m pretty sure this has been on their website for months?

There is a God!