Movies on TV

In and out of the schedule like a yoyo

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Space Jam is distributed by Warner Bros and Nine had the WB output deal for 20+ years.

Seven now has an el-cheapo version of that output deal ,so many of those movies that aired on Nine for all those years are now on Seven.

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They don’t have it any more do they? I know they lost the Harry Potter rights a few years back and they were regular viewing on the 9 channels.

Sifon, no!


Has anyone seen this before …

The SAME movie is currently on 2 different (non affiliated) channels and started at the same time

“You’ve Got Mail” started at 8.30 on both 7flix and FOXTEL Movies Romance Ch. 408.

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That’s a good pick up! It’d have happened, especially with Fox’s output, but rare I guess.

You do see the same movies within days or a given week though, often makes me wonder whether FTA titles give Foxtel programmers ideas.

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Saturday 31 July 8:30 pm Gemini Man (2019)


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Saturday 24 July -
7Flix has the premiere of The Favourite (2018) tonight at 8.50pm.

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Nine: Wednesday 4 August
08:30 pm Instant Family (2018)

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Should be on a Saturday Night.

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The graphics on that endtag looks not overly dissimilar to ABC-TV Plus promo endtags!

Seven’s attempt at drawing in non-Olympics crowd?

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Saturday 14 August
07:30 PM Spider-Man: Far From Home (2019)
10:15 PM Zombieland: Double Tap (2019)

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Here is Arthur’s schedule in the coming week (2011 film starring Russell Brand):

Friday 6 August at 4.05pm (7flx); Saturday 7 Aug at 2.40pm (7flix); Sunday at 2.25pm (7flix) and Monday at 12am (Seven; aka Sunday night after the Closing Ceremony of the Olympics).

4 times in 2.5 days.

And here I thought the milking 9 does of the two Dudley Moore films was bad

Why on earth are they airing it that many times over the course of a weekend? I assume this down the Olympics

No idea. It’s puzzling from my end too.

I’ve read on this forum in the past that if the same movie airs across a network a few times a week, it gets a “cheap deal” for that film . But this might be the first i’ve seen a movie air 4 times . Usually a film may air 2-3 times over a whole week, not 4 times in just a few days.

As has been noted in threads multiple times, I think even by a mod like Bort or On Air, it was referenced by a network programmer or someone a few years back that they get like a ‘free play’ or something when a title is broadcast within a certain time frame within whatever their licencing agreement is with that distributor.

As you do see it happening quite a bit.


Thanks for the response. Makes more sense now.

Yes - I can’t quite remember which exec mentioned it but it was a licensing thing.

Don’t think we ever got further details on it, but it does make sense. Especially when you think about pay movie channels doing likewise with movie channels.