Movies on TV

An odd-ball choice, similarly to 7flix’s religious Hollywood one some months back “The Shack”.

Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom is on Seven for what I think is the first time on 17 June. But on 9Go on 16th is Lost World Jurassic Park.


You can guess for the last times on Nine, the OG JP this week too after another F&F encore/marathon each night (also probably the last time).

IIRC the later movies (usually FTA premieres from cinema releases a couple of years earlier) seem to land at the new network first (sometimes maybe only one or two airings on the first run network), before the older titles from the back-catalogue (aired many times), been a number of examples of this on both Seven and Nine recently. Such as “Kong Skull Island” and “Wonder Woman” for example.


Friday 23 June Seven/7Mate

TV_Central has this as a “premiere”. However a quick check suggests it aired on Seven previously as far back as a Friday late night on main channel in Sydney in 2012 eleven years ago. And previously on Ten in late 2000s.

It was last on 9Go! in December.


Late (after midnight -varies per market) on Friday 30 June, Seven

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nothing says Christmas like late June…


Also a strange time for a premiere movie, as late as 1:00 am in Adelaide.


It’s licenced by SPTVID and is a proper Hollywood release (was Christmas 2020 here in-between COVIDs/lockdowns), wonder if it was part of a wider deal/package and they just had it sitting there now available to run and would be a waste not too or maybe required to broadcast? It should be uploaded to 7Plus for a limited time too.

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Or- they were obligated to play it before a deal ends June 30? Just a thought…


Well, seeing as this network only seems to play from this provider Men In Black and 2012 over and over and over and over again, wouldn’t surprise me if there were a bunch of other titles not played/they weren’t really interested in that yes they’ve suddenly realised “whoops we’d better air these”

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Melbourne, Brisbane, Adelaide

Sydney, Perth


I’ve never really got why there’s different start times between markets on Friday nights? Is it due to obligatory BH&G (whereas it’s not on 7mate in AFL markets)? Or “M” classification now allowed at 7:30pm since IIRC end of 2019? Or earlier the better start for ratings? Or all of the above? I’ll tag @JohnsonTV who often has solid opinions/thoughts.

Chitty Chitty Bang Bang is on NITV tonight.

Odd choice of movie for the channel?


NITV generally air movies on Friday nights. Some Australian films here and there, and some odd choices too that doesn’t to fit in properly with the channel. Like tonight. Oddly, they had The Care Bare Movie last Friday too.


Some new midday movies from Nine.

Thursday 6 July midday on Nine

Friday 7 July midday on Nine

Seven/7Mate Saturday 15 July 7:30 pm

Seven/7Mate Saturday 15 July 9:15 pm


Monday 10 July Midday

Thursday 13 July Midday

Friday 14 July Midday

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Two FTA premieres, on the same night, both from Fox (or 20th Century - now under Disney), also suggesting Seven still have a current or new deal with that label, as well as Disney itseelf as seen the past 12-24 months, but unfortunately due to protecting Disney Plus no doubt show/movie titles dictated heavily by the studio.

Call of the Wild smack bang at the start of COVID and performed poorly at the box office, but mixed reviews and mega star in Harrison Ford. 3.5 years to TV since its theatrical release (Feb 2020), however possibly this current deal(s) wasn’t active at the time, so back-dated so to speak.
Last Duel also during COVID and majorly bombed, but was well received by critics. Less than 2 years to TV (Oct 2021), more in-line with a current deal then and for today’s licencing.