Mother and Son (2023)

It really would have been nice to see it as a multicam sitcom again though

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The promo looks different enough from the original the warrant a different name.

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But then people will say oh they’ve ripped this off from… They are reimagining it for this timeline. It sucks they have to hit quotas for diversity etc… But it’s essentially the same story arc.

Mother and Son: The Next Generation :wink:

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Nothing wrong with saying it’s “inspired by Mother and Son” to quell those fears. I’d prefer that they did that than try and completely link it to the original.

Now you’re just going to have comparisons to the original and fans being annoyed by all the changes. Any potential new viewers will be wondering why they should bother with a reboot of an old show.

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Really BIG shoes to fill, but I’m definitely going to give it a look. Hopefully they’ll steer clear of oranges and funerals :grin:

Actually, imagine one of Arthur’s children (which he’d have had to have had after the series) now looking after him. Father & Son?

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Probably daughter to keep the one of each going.

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doesn’t have the same ring to it haha

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Exactly what viewers eill be saying: “Don’t say it’s Mother & Son”. :wink:

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ABC has released the first ep of the series so hopefully we will get some proper reviews of the show soon (rather than puff PR pieces).


Synopsis of series and first episode.

Series Overview

After Maggie (Denise Scott) causes a fire in the family kitchen, Arthur (Matt Okine) tries to put her in an aged-care home so he can move forward with his own life, worry-free. Arthur’s sister Robbie (Angela Nica Sullen) attempts to sell the family home to make some cash.

Episode 1

Following a break-up from his long-suffering girlfriend Dee (Andrea Demetriades), Arthur puts his future on hold to move back home with his widowed mother, Maggie (Denise Scott). Arthur (Matt Okine) and older sister Robbie (Angela Nica Sullen) - arguably ‘the favourite’ - attempt to care for Maggie, who although she might have burnt down the kitchen, still runs circles around her children.


Unfortunate news. I hope Denis recovers; modern treatment and rehab can be very effective and give a good prognosis.

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Another soft PR piece on the show. ABC has released 4 episodes so far, perhaps it’s time for a review?

“Strangers shake their head at me and go, ‘Big shoes to fill, Denise!’”

They’ll be doing worse than that once they watch it.

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First review - writer Robert Moran gave the show four out of five stars.

The Guardian wasn’t as kind – 3 stars

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