Member Behaviour

I think there was a member ‘Jezza’ that set it up, or had something to do with it?

Is that right?


Two guys called Leparton and Jezza


Yes, I remember both. Thanks for that insight.

Do either of them contribute to the site anymore?

I often remember when the site would shutdown due to high usage. I also remember when advertising started on the site.

There is a user called @lepatron, however I’m not sure if it’s the same person.

As for Jezza, the post I linked above appears to be their only contribution after they left the original site, though they said that they might pop up again one day to tell stories of the old days

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I would imagine Jezza maybe in his 70s now. He makes mention of being a Vietnam veteran.

Must be nearly as old as @bacco007 :laughing:


You’re on shaky ground. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Well he did put that as his age bracket in one of those poll things not all that long ago, I remember that because he was the only one!

I can’t find where that was though.


Found it:

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I knew @JBar was too old to be listening to Nova.


Now, you’re skating on thin ice. :stuck_out_tongue:

You know, it really shits me when people say things like this. Why do people have to conform to these stereotypes and demographics that marketers try to slot them into?

I have always liked new music and have always preferred to hear that on the radio. I know heaps of people in their 40s and 50s who listen to Nova. I have a relo in his 60s who shocked me recently by telling me he and his wife prefer Nova to anything else.

I have a feeling that people who work in the industry often have no fucking idea what is actually going on out there and that the ratings system is flawed and not giving the real picture of what people are doing. The people who they are choosing to fill out ratings are not representative of the whole population.


When I was younger they gave my parents a survey book and I filled it out and just marked all the boxes for Classic Rock 91.5 as my dad loved that station and I knew it rated garbage.


See. Very scientific, isnt it? :rofl:

The second iteration of Vega and then Classic Rock were great stations. Vale.


That was good ill say that


No it’s not.

I think we need to find who this person is ASAP, several changes that I have made and that others have made may now be lost. Is there anyway we can check IP address access and see what user came in from that IP @moderators ?