Agree. The threads are fine as they are. Really no need to create many threads for the same topic.
this is the logical and easiest plan.
Why should The Latest remain separate in that case? It’s just a standard news bulletin nowadays essentially.
It’s presented separately- different name, different look etc. (ie it’s called The Latest not 7 Late News)
9 Late News is a bog standard bulletin, and anything on it will match other bulletins- ie it doesn’t have unique content/appearance, so any discussion of that aspect is best placed in the content/appearance thread.
So following this logic, shouldn’t 10 Late News have its own thread? I’d say it’s a very unique usecase given its prerecorded + aired live on different platforms, has unique aspects which differ it from a standard “late news” bulletin.
All The Latest has going for it is its different name - there is nothing unique about it anymore.
and on-air appearance.
Everything is fine as-is. The mega threads have always been easier to navigate. I like to see what is going on in other states and having to go through different topics for each state would drive me insane.
Almost 20 years ago the powers that be decided to split everything up… and that didn’t turn out well. Common sense eventually prevailed and it was a welcome change to see things go back to how they are now.
Granted there are a few random topics that need decisions made about them but that doesn’t mean everything needs to get caught up in it. Decide on those and leave everything else alone.
Given the feedback we’ve had, the decision has been made not to make any changes at this time.
This is driving me nuts.
Every time I post I have to exit the typing area, pinch the screen the hit reply.
This has been an issue for me for some time - everytime I push through an update I hope its fixed, but alas it isnt.
that’s unfortunate.
Any update mods on this one?
My text box when it gets to a certain size, I can’t even see what I’m writing, and it won’t let me scroll down
It was working fine one day, then didn’t the next
Two posts above?
Was Media Spy down for anyone else earlier this evening?
Not down for me but the site has been incredibly slow for about a week now, on both laptop and phone. I’m not sure why. I have to turn my Wi-Fi off and use mobile data (and yes, my Wi-Fi is working fine for everything else).
Haven’t been noticing the site being slower than usual, only noticed that the site was down earlier this evening for some reason.
It’s been fine here on Windows, but sometimes slow on Android, running on the same wi fi network.
Anyone else can’t see the Seven News Content and Appearance thread under Seven News?
It shows up in a search
It’s there for me.
Looks like I unintentionally muted it