Ideas, Issues, Suggestions

OK - I was hoping I wasn’t going to have to do this, but here we are…

It has become apparent over the last few weeks that the posting behavour of some members is deteriorating to the point that its having a significant impact on the conduct of people here.

In many respects its understandable why this may have occurred - we currently live in challenging, potentially troubling times, things are changing faster then we would like and that can be confronting. Its clear that some peoples stress levels are high and people are anxious

But none of this is not an excuse or a reason to carry on like pork chops. We all need to be mindful of the rules and importantly of one another - if you are concerned about something that you’ve seen posted here, dont hesitate to flag it or PM a member of staff or directly to me (it may take me a little bit to get back to you though, but dont let that stop you).

If things continue as they are, posts will be temporarily closed and people may find themselves penalty boxed - we don’t want to do this, but thats very much contingent on everyone being sensible.


By the looks of it someone didn’t take any notice of this.

I hope it’s not me - I don’t go after people, I’m just inappropriate.

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Is it me or is the Seven News Content and Appearance thread not loading?


Yeah, it seems to get stuck.

So your getting this message?

Yep… we all are. It’s not loading.

Ok good, thought it was just me. Anyone know why?

I’m not getting the message, but I can’t scroll to the end. It ends a couple of thousand messages from the actual end.

Mine starts in 2015. Currently reliving the previous package’s introduction.

I get as far as this…

Page refuses to add newer entries.

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I’ve gone in and tried to do a rescue job on it.


I do love the ads on this site. So authentic


The ad networks are culpable in this rubbish. They need to have humans screening the ads before they are pushed out.


2 posts were merged into an existing topic: Supermarkets and Retail

Tricky Dicky is helping people become millionaires? tell me more!


Now Thor is doing it too. Is there anything this man can’t do? :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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Making them A millionaires


Well they have to make money some how. If you don’t want to look at them, then don’t. It’s simple as mate.

It’s the fraudulent use of Dick Smith’s name (as well as the legit looking CNN captions) that truly disgust me. This kind of thing is the base tenet of fake news websites.

If it was just a standard get rich quick ad, I would have no issues.