Ideas, Issues, Suggestions

The cake is a lie. :laughing:

(Please someone get this reference. :pensive: )


No need to be rude. :stuck_out_tongue:

Portal? :stuck_out_tongue:

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What’s the reason for closing/deleting your account?

Could a mod think about splitting the Ace radio thread into a separate one for 3MP as it’s flooding it and not allowing regional station posts any space?

Done - there might be a few errant posts, if you come across any flag them or post them back here and we’ll get them moved back

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Thank you moderators for cleaning up some of the threads, some had gone down rabbit holes and some of the comments were uncalled for and off topic.


Is there a censored smiley in use anywhere on MS? Sort of similar to this: 6d874106d4a0e43838fde3aa56c53eef

This one.

No wonder you’re looking for one :rofl:




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just to have the laughing emoji plastered everywhere again? no thanks.

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Is there anyway to block someone from private messaging me on this forum? Yes I can ignore this person but their messaging is becoming borderline harassment.

There is an option to ignore or mute a user (visit their profile and click on the ‘normal’ button to see the options) - I dont know whether that blocks someone from sending you a private message though

Ahh okay :ok_hand:

Thanks mate that will have to do.

I hope @Bort leaves you alone now that you’ve raised the issue so publicly. :sweat_smile:

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Has nothing to do with Bort?
