“Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future performance”
Exactly. Even if a 2nd “Hey Hey It’s 50 Years” special rated well, Daryl should not expect the program to be revived again.
I ope it doesn’t happen because I couldn’t handle all the negative comments and the few positive ones on this forum.
If the second anniversary show rates well, I hope Seven does five specials on Sundays. Seven shouldn’t allow Daryl to negotiate with them to do a series like in 2010.
How long can seven and Daryl somers flog a dead horse ?
I’d say 21 years so far.
It’s not dead until the ratings shows it’s dead!
No way
“They’ll keep doing these specials as long as the Boomers are alive” - Adam Densten.
Although I’d go as far as saying we might be fairly regularly reminded of Hey Hey It’s Saturday’s legacy in Australian TV for as long as Daryl Somers is alive. After that, who knows.
If there’s a petition demanding bold, cutting edge, innovative formats at a level currently not seen on Australian television + for older formats like Hey Hey It’s Saturday to never return, then sign me up for that one.
I just posted this in the Hatches, Matches, Dispatches page but thought perhaps I should post this here too.
Something just came up in my Facebook feed saying that Des McKenna, AKA ‘Animal’ passed away recently in Thailand. Apparently his cremation will be held tomorrow. For those who don’t remember him he was the crazy drummer on the show for quite a while.
Vale Des McKenna.
That Jacki MacDonald Highlights reel in Hey Hey It’s 50 Years is at least 12 years old. Found this on YouTube from November 2008.
I think their Ossie Ostrich highlights package came from YouTube too.
Embarrassing, especially considering it’s often the TV Networks trying to copyright strike these videos, only for them to steal them anyway because they’re too lazy to look at their own archived content.
Ratings don’t mean anything when the show doesn’t have a cast! If Hey Hey was to ever come back it would basically have to be a whole new show. And we all know what the current record is like with new shows…Not great
Rove Live was a much better format and wasn’t just a kids show with dumb sight gags. It’s just a shame Rove fucked it up with the lightweight Sydney made Saturday show. Idiotic night, bad cast and terrible format.
What happens if Hey Hey specials rates but doesn’t target the demos?
Then it really shouldn’t be commissioned from a business point of view.