Is anyone able to confirm for me if it’s correct the SD version of 7Two broadcast via 7Queensland has now been removed?
Thanks, much appreciated. I’ve started receiving emails from confused viewers…
Great to see 7, 7TWO and 7mate in HD only in Queensland. I hope 7flix is next to be changed HD only. 7QLD and SBS are the most advanced with HD channels in Australia.
Note that slide is from the Sunshine Coast where Seven’s LCNs all start with 6. As opposed to most of Queensland where it is 72 and 73.
Yes I noticed the HD channels when in Bundaberg recently.
Is 7flix in MPEG-2 in regional Queensland like metro areas?
Still worth noting that the main channel is not full HD but 1440 x 1080i
I did notice that it starts to look a bit shit under pressure. But at least it looks decent most of the time and that Seven has actually done something with the resolution to compensate. Like Nine with their SD channels.
If only the WA broadcasters took a leaf out of Seven’s book and tweaked their equipment so it was on par with everywhere else.
When are we likely see 7Twohd across the network
7 Wollongong advertising that 7mate Hd is coming soon.
Now just need Gem to go HD through Win Wollongong.
My parents have something similar on their tv regarding 7two (they’re in regional Qld). Says it’s available in HD on 73, which it is, but 7mate has disappeared.
Can’t mind “menu” on their remote to re-scan and can’t find how to access the menu manually. Anyway…
Strange 7two moved to 73 though?
Because 7mate is now on 64/74 in HD
Once the channels are all available in HD I reckon they’ll reshuffle them back to their original numbers
Like I’ve said before, I reckon Seven should strongly consider moving 7mate up the list when it comes time to reshuffle. 7mate is their highest rating multi and should sit as close to 7 as possible with all the sport they share between the two channels.
7 | 7 |
70 | 7HD |
71 | 7mateHD |
72 | 7twoHD |
73 | 7flix |
In regional Queensland, 7Mate switched to 74 in HD in January with a slide left on 73 then in March 7Two HD took over on 73 with a simulcast on 72. About 3 weeks ago 7Two disappeared off 72.
Do people think they’d dare change flix to HD in rQLD?
If it’s going to happen anywhere it’ll happen there, lol
I don’t reckon they would until MPEG-2 is switched off.
If anything, put flix on 71, that is the lower rated channel that could use the accidental exposure. Everyone knows two and mate.