HD Broadcasting

Forgot about that anachronism. Does DVB-T have much of a take up in regional and remote WA? Having an entire VAST ensemble to itself, might be a good test case of switching off terrestrial services and moving folks over to satellite only as has been suggested for some parts of the east coast.

Agree. Watching a bit of rowing on 7mate just before and it looked like shit. The logos on the bottom of the screen before were unreadable.
So disappointing that Prime reversed the HD switch here in Canberra.

I’ve put 7mate on via 7+ instead and it does look better, but still not that great on my home internet connection.


So what is HD?

I think regional take up would be on par with the rest of the country. Remote take up would be lower with the culling of many analogue self help sites between 2011 and 2013.

We’d run into the same issues as anywhere else with a conversion like that. Remote viewers are somewhat prepared to pay more for access to services like TV and internet, but folks in dense areas served by terrestrial wouldn’t be I think.


From GWN7? Nothing. They’re watching the Olympics in standard definition. Only 9HD and 10HD are available.


We’ll swap you 1,500+ COVID cases for 7mate HD :grinning:


Is it just me, or does most of the stuff from Tokyo on 7 look very soft in HD? Maybe the poor encoders can’t deal with 2 HD and 2 or sometimes 3 SD channels showing sports action at once.

7HD is currently 4.8 and 7Mate HD 3.8 Kb/s

Seven SD is 3.2 and 7Mate SD is 2.6

Don’t expect 7Two to look too good with just 2.0


Surprised you can see anything with that bitrate :wink:


Can barely encode audio at 3.4Kbps! Clearly meant Mbps. Haha


For comparison, what is the rest of the mux running at?

Yes - I meant Mbps

The rates are video + audio

Average has changed since this afternoon to

7 Seven 2.0
70 HD 3.5
72 7Two 1.9
73 7Mate 3.3
74 7Mate HD 5.5
75 open 1.6
76 7Flix 2.4
78 Race 2.0

To think main channel SD used to bounce upto 9 mb/s once upon a time and average around 6 mb/s.
The sooner Mpeg2 is pensioned off the better.


Those of us with a VAST satellite dish in Prime territory can get 7mate in HD via SCA at least. Thereby bypassing Prime7.

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Lol, how many people would be in that position?


Easier than you think if you have an unused Foxtel / Austar dish on your roof.

Is that right? Could you link me to some instructions if it’s legit?

Buy a VAST certified STB with VAST access card, and register with VAST as a traveler. Plug VAST box into the Foxtel satellite outlet wall plug and go from there.

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I am aware of the process. I just don’t think many people are in a position where they can get Prime7/WIN/SCA already and also have a VAST box and dish, let alone know about the service and necessary loopholes to get it activated. All that work (and money) just for 7mate HD. Better off getting internet to access 7+


AFL viewers appreciate the extra AFL matches that SCA carries on VAST nearly making a Fox Sports subscription nearly useless if only into AFL.