George Floyd Killing/BLM - Coverage

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Not sure why you replied to me? Read the article yesterday.


Not BLM but another act of racism.


I know I’m in the minority, but I find him incredibly insufferable. He has the potential to be as dangerous as some of those that he derides.


you’re not alone, he is incredibly lacking in depth and one note.


It’s very frustrating to see progressively minded friends / acquaintances go crazy for Jordan and deliberately turn a blind eye to the fact that the guy is a massive hypocrite and is barely progressive in the first place.

His constant ABC bashing is especially toxic, it’s disturbing that millennials and zoomers on the left can be so easily convinced by one guy that public broadcasting should be defunded because Jordan is precious enough to make a 15 minute rant because he didn’t find a joke / comedy bit funny that was broadcast by the ABC.


he’s for people who don’t watch or read the news


he is a labour extremist. and he admited on of his yotube videos he was supports labor through through no matter what . nsw labour to be extact

Why hasn’t YouTube removed him ? That would be my question spewing racist speech.

I have had a epiphany about the BLM it’s a wonderful thing when you do research. :grinning:

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Renaming can also result from other things …


Can YouTube do that?

Very good way of putting it.

years ago a producer mentioned him an option to host something and I strongly pushed back, he can do cut up stuff on YouTube but these people can’t function in a normal TV environment.


Besides he has pretty much burnt his bridges with every media business in this country as he shits on all of them rather equally and has personal vendettas with others (I remember he was very aggressive towards any outlet that reported on him taking money from the ACTU in the 2016 election), although I suppose some don’t really care about that if they think it’ll get eyeballs on content.

He is a parody of himself, he makes fun of people being Karen’s but has turned into one himself, all for a joke which wasn’t to his taste.

His non-political things are hilarious (Yilmaz etc) but his agressiveness towards anything else show’s he’s bit of a bully.

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If he’s violating the terms of use - e.g racisim, violent and deogratory and hate speech then yes that should be removed. But if you are talking assination then well no they can’t do that. :stuck_out_tongue: , Google isn’t SkyNet…yet.

My first exposure to his videos was his tirade against Triple J, which made me wonder whether he was just butthurt he didnt get a job with them but it became clear he has very little time for public broadcasting.


Some episodes of Scubs have been scrubbed.