Looks to me like overload, like ninkeon58 mentioned. But at the same time, I’m super close to the TCBL and get over 100 dBf on some servers (while it looks like SBS is about 80 dBf for you) and I don’t get the harmonics, so I’m not sure:
Probably tropo enhancement for Coffs – that only comes in sometimes. I haven’t made any changes to the NE antenna (which is the antenna that the North Coast signals come in best on). Only the NW antenna was relocated (which now often seems to pick up Central Western Slopes signals, 349 km away).
Manning River has been there most of the time since I put my five-yagi setup up, fading in/out. But since the aerial setup has only been up for the summer, I don’t know if Manning River is there because of some type of prolonged summer enhancement and whether it’ll still be there come winter.
There’s also been what I presume is ABC National from Goulburn taking over for brief periods. When I went to compare on the TVCL WEst server it was a lot better, which confirms it’s Goulburn.
I suspect the only time you won’t get them at all are when there are westerlies, that seems to kill everything.
As i think I’ve had similar fading/weak signals from Batemans Bay, Canberra and Orange from July to September last year, being the time of the year when there is the least amount of tropo.
I usually use Radio National Orange on 104.3 as a quick cross-check without needing to switch antennas.
Seems similar to where I get fading reception from. Namely Batemans Bay, Canberra, Manning River and Orange. And the less frequent ones – SW Slopes (Wagga) and Coffs Harbour.
With the relocated NW antenna, CW Slopes often also seems to come in. I’ve seen Upper Naomi there at times on 100.7, but very weak. But it hasn’t been up long enough to tell what is tropo vs what’s semi-permanent.
Also caught Tamworth for the first time on the 5-yagi setup on the NW aerial.
Just a heads up to server owners that a new station logos update is available: GitHub - AmateurAudioDude/FM-DX-Webserver-Plugin-Station-Logos-OCE: Station Logos OCE + Station Info for no RDS
And it should be mentioned that the latest Webserver version (although it looks much better) broke a lot of code visually for some plugins, so be sure to go through each one and make sure it’s the latest version.
As the TEF running the TVCL East server has separate AM/FM antenna sockets, I’ve plugged in my MLA-30+ MF/HF antenna into it and re-enabled tuning for AM.
It’s rather high in RF noise, but it pulls in the local stations, at least. Will see how it goes at night time for skywave. Though I’d suggest you’d get better reception from my SDR server for MF/HF in any case:
I also recently imported the ACMA AM broadcast transmitters list into it. Although the labels don’t work so well when there’s more than two stations on a frequency.
Hi @tvcl and @Radio_TVGuy, I just noticed a Spanish FM-DX-webserver lists the Behringer UCA202 as a stereo USB DAC. It still seems to be available. About $39 on ebay. Looks like it works with linux too. UCA202 and UCA222 are apparently the same apart from the software they came with and the plastic case colour. With modern windows it probably doesn’t matter, but I’m a linux user.
As seen here: https://odx-es1.fmdx.no/
I might get one, one day, but I just blew some money on a 3 element yagi.
Also available at Videoguys for the same price: Behringer UCA202 USB 2 Ch Interface BEUCA202 Videoguys – Videoguys Australia
Congrats. Hopefully you’ll pull in some more radio stations and maybe even better reception of the Gold Coast ones. Wishing you the best of luck.
Thanks for that. I look into it. Interestingly, on its official webpage it says its inputs are mono but yet the image on the same page shows L/R channels for the input: Behringer | Product | UCA202
For some reason I have a lot of trouble getting the spectrum display plugin to display on the Mildura FM-DX webserver. Anyone else experienced that?
I’ve noticed that too. Just did an update today which should hopefully help. Something is funky with the reverse proxy though since its not loading the station logos plugin properly for all those externally accessing it, yet its fine on my local network?
So I’ve figured out why the plugin isn’t working quite right. Its due to the fact I run the webserver in a subdirectory (/fm1) where it is expecting it to be the top level.
I’ve made a quick and dirty hack to the plugin which simply appends the subdirectory onto each hostname call. There is probably a much better way, but rather than hack it up too much, I’ll leave it be for now. @melb_mateyy0 something to look at and consider in the next update
What I’ve modified:
Line 33:
const hostname = document.location.hostname + "/fm1"; // example.com
Line 191:
const localpath = '/fm1/logos/'; // Path to local logo images
Line 518:
fetch('/fm1/logos-data', {
Line 546:
logoImage.attr('src', `/fm1/logos/${correctFilename}`) // Use the correct case-sensitive filename
It appears to have. Thank you.
I caught some nice logs from your webserver this morning too.
Eg 90.9 Flow FM Maitland with RDS.
97.7 Flow FM with RDS & several Melbourne stations too.
98.7 Power FM, SA & 100.1 RPH Shepparton, Vic
I needed more time to catch it all - much fun.
Looks like not all of yours actually landed on FMLIST, but this morning had a lot of good catches regardless
Good catch, it’s updated now. I allowed for URL paths for Spectrum Graph some time ago, but forgot about the logos plugin. There may be some other plugins (not made by me) that also don’t consider checking the URL path.
How do I set up FMLIST logging? I’ve made a login. I’m not sure where to find my “FMLIST_OM_ID” for the scanner plugin. Is it the 5 digit number that appears at the bottom midle of myfm?
Yep, it’s the number that you’ve blocked out in red. You can also use that MyFM page you’re on to manually make logs for non-RDS stations or when the signal’s not strong enough for RDS.
Hmm. No luck yet. It seems I need to be logged in for it to work? I also only have log 1st option turned on. I’ll try log every, at least with the hourly logging to FMLIST it shouldn’t spam them.
When I’m successfully logging things to FMLIST does it show up under myFM?
Mine works without me logging in. My scanner config file is like this:
“OnlyFirstLog”: false,
“FMLIST_OM_ID”: “xxxxx”,
“FMLIST_Autolog”: “on”,
“FMLIST_MinDistance”: 152,
“FMLIST_MaxDistance”: 4000,
“FMLIST_LogInterval”: 1800,
“FMLIST_CanLogServer”: “”, (You don’t need this - only for multiple-server setups)
“FMLIST_ShortServerName”: “TVCL North”,
If that doesn’t work, probably you’ll find more help on the Discord server, since the author of the plug-in is on there.