Federal Politics

Have a baby. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Well there are benefits for all those who are studying, and the tax cuts will apply to everyone, so there are some benefits.

Doesn’t your cat have fur?

I would but I can’t afford it! I sure as hope don’t want to bring a child up in this fucked up world either.

Not sure how far we go with the policies on housing, but it does need to cater for the middle, singles and single mum and dads who are also doing it tough to.

Won’t be catered for childless people , simple.

You’d think they start doing something as soon they can, but the climate change debate from labor has been fucked and screwed up. Not sure how or what they want to even do. I mean haven’t heard anything in a while.

I agree with you on the environment and also agree coal needs to be phased out. But until you’ve seen 20 or 30 ships off the coast of Mackay or Gladstone or Newcastle waiting to load with your own eyes you won’t truly understand the money it’s bringing in to the state and country. Something like that just can’t be switched off. I would also hardly call these people blue collar who work in mining these days. These people are upper middle class and making big money, and just as affluent as most inner city dwellers.

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A decent budget in my view, certainly when I compare and reflect back on the horror show that was 10 years ago.

Really not a lot in the way of big ticket items, rather a lot of smaller measures that may take a bit of time for the benefits to flow through- I do fear that the electorate may get impatient before the full effects are seen.


I’ve heard a lot of ‘cost of living’ relief in this budget, which shows the government is finally getting their priorities right. They’re working to resolve these issues rather than issue pork barreled budgets like the Coalition did.

However, the lack of changes to things like JobSeeker and Govt services payments and housing reforms is still kind of disappointing. They’re practically saying ‘Yes we know it’s a problem but we don’t care’.

Now, let’s wait and hear how the Coalition and Greens will say how bad this budget is and say Labor is the worst…


Good that every household is getting the $300 rebate in power bills. Last year it was delivered by the states and people in NSW missed out because it only went to people on support payments and other low income earners. It didn’t go to everyone like it did in other states. This time we all get it.

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This was the most underwhelming part of the budget in my view, especially on welfare payments.

But being what looks to be a pre-election budget I can understand why they’d hold back on that as welfare recipients are sadly easy targets for the likes to the Coalition to punch down on and large parts of the wider electorate seem to share that sentiment. Case in point, looking at what Rishi Sunak is putting forward in the UK (punching down on the umemployed and those with long term illness and disability). Rishi Sunak pledges to remove benefits for people not taking jobs after 12 months | Politics News | Sky News

Sunak’s trying to revive a sinking titanic that just hit an iceberg bigger than the size of the entire UK. I certainly wouldn’t be looking towards him for any inspirations for success.

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I dont think this is a pre-election budget at all. Seems like a typical mid term budget, nothing exciting or headline grabbing.

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That and no increase in Medicare rebate to doctors are two big misses. Otherwise I like this Budget in general.

I think the most controversial parts of the Budget is capping next financial year’s permanent migration program (at 185,000), capping the number of places for international students, and the introduction of a $25 ballot for working and holiday visas for people coming from China, Vietnam and India from next financial year. All these measures will make Australia a less attractive place to work and study.

Why are international students included in the migration figures in the first place?

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I actually think this will be really popular with a lot of voters, with the possible exception of those in some areas with high migrant populations.

Unfortunately migrants are an easy target when it comes to pinning the blame on housing shortages and rapidly rising rent and house prices, and while immigration is definitely a contributing factor to the current housing crisis, in isolation it is not going to be a magic solution.

I would suspect this is due to international students renting out properties and being perceived as ‘taking up’ housing stock and contributing to the housing shortage.

Queensland is also handing out a $1,000 rebate soon, so this plus the $300 means I’ll pay very little if anything on electricity this year.

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The UK isn’t really comparable. There are a LOT of people on long term disability payments, in fact an enormous number, who refuse to work.

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I’m sure the Coalition/LNP will still be blaming Labor until the cows come home for doing what the people wants them to do.

After watching Dutton’s reply tonight, we can make 2 conclusions:

Labor - Sensible spending but not exactly as inclusive as it should be. Needs to be stronger on environment, social services, DV and health.

Liberal - All bravado, recycling of old Coalition policies, piss and wind.


Didn’t get much from Dutton. Nuclear again, the states don’t want a bar of it, good luck working with Labor Premiers on that. Not sure on some of the claims he made around Nuclear, bit premature to be making some claims.

Look behind Dutton during his speech. It’s the same old hacks sitting there that need to be moved on. I can barely look at this front bench. All horrendous. Angus Taylor. I have no words.

Didn’t go near tax I see. Don’t trust him on that front.


It’s also very whitebread. Says it all really.

Dutton getting shredded by Ferguson. Get your popcorn ready.

Simpler, fairer taxes…only for the top 10% that already vote Coalition already.

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Sky will be out claiming she is bullying him or something like they did last time she questioned him.

Someone’s got to ask the tough questions.