Federal Election 2019 - Media Coverage

The last paragraph of The Australian’s editorial.

A portion of The Sydney Morning Herald editorial.

Although I suspect the answer is obvious, do we know who The Daily Telegraph is supporting?

Like their Southern sister paper, the SMH has supported Labor in their editorial.

The Coalition.

The final paragraphs of The Daily Telegraph editorial.

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There’s a hypocrisy there. The news Corp press argues to kick out labor in 2913 due to the instability and knifing of the leaders. Today they’ve had to find another slant as that argument isn’t being applied to the coalition for the exact same thing. Fucking blatant hypocrisy.

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In 2013, there were people within the Labor Party openly stating they did not want Rudd as their leader. We do not have that with the Liberals and Morrison. It seems they are genuinely united behind Morrison, if they weren’t we would be seeing leaks and constant talk about leadership infighting in the media as were were in 2013. Completely different. I think you need to take a Valium & have a rest!

The conservatives of the party are only quiet because if they aren’t, especially Abbott, they will lose their seats and the LNP lose the election. Remember, Abbott came out and encouraged voters to vote for Turnbull. It is only in their best interests to rally behind Morrison… before the election.

What a rubbish argument. Complete and utter hypocrisy. The libs are riddled with division even now. There’s no unity. They’ve hidden away toxic ministers. Morrison running some bizarre presidential style campaign.

Moving on…there was some old woman crying on the Alan Jones show this morning. Actually crying because of the treatment of Abbott this election. She compared him to Jesus. She clearly is a psychopath. Fancy crying on radio and comparing that pathetic Abbott to Jesus Christ. :roll_eyes:

There was Alan lapping it all up. Defending Abbott. Ridiculous.



Nine has revealled that Julie Bishop’s imfamous red stiletto will be the graphic that boots defeated politicans out of their seats tomorrow night. As she is on the panel, I am sure Julie will love putting the heel right up the backside of her former colleagues. :laughing:


He did it.
God I’m sick of the colour yellow.

The Advertiser & Herald Sun have both endorsed the Coalition, what a surprise, not.

Riddled with falsehoods. Are you even old enough to vote?

This is the caller who compared Abbott to Jesus. Hilarious stuff. Allan lets this shit go to air. She is unhinged. Unbelievable that people like this exist.


Both of Nine’s major mastheads endorse Labor

Two more promos:

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Abbott defends controversial Hawke statement:

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NT News is the one News Corp masthead backing Labor


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Except for the Fin (no surprises there)