Eurovision Song Contest

You were talking about a discreprency of viewer vote on the poll vs televote for Israel. I’m explaining the televote. I can assure you that most people voting for Israel would have put all their votes on Israel on Sunday morning and even some people that don’t usually follow Eurovision probably got behind them this year and voted for them too. When their participation is a the topic of discussion in the entire lead up to the competition, many people would have felt extra compelled to vote for them especially if they thought Eden did a good performance (song over politics). There is a reason they were the second favorite to win in betting odds just before the final because it was clear there was going to be a lot of public support for them.

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Wow, the EBU are being pretty arrogant and even threatening. Not acknowledging any wrongdoing or misjudgment on their part …

If they do, they risk being sued or having to return some fees, especially when it comes to using booing technology over one countries song therefore interfering with its televised performance.

Tickets to Melbourne and Brisbane concerts are now on sale through Ticketmaster. Go to Ticketek for Sydney tickets.


I wonder how many more artists are going to be added. There was the initial lineup but it still says “And many more artists announced soon” on the official site. You’d think they’d add some of our Australian entrants in there for the Australian tour. Dami Im and Kate Miller-Heidke would be great.

lineup (


I would love Australia Decides to return (I went to it twice and it was great fun) although it’s probably an expensive exercise for SBS that doesn’t get a huge audience on a Saturday night.

I think one change if it was to return would be to put it on a different night of the week. They would probably get more viewers if it was on a Sunday or during the week. Another alternative could be to do some sort of online competition and give the artists a chance to campaign for their spot.

It might also be hard to plan for a selection event if Australia isn’t confirmed yet for Eurovision next year. I don’t think we’ve been confirmed?

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Surely, they could do a scaled down version, even if it was at the Enmore Theatre or a television studio.

Actually ‘Australia Decides’ rated quite well for SBS, as well as a lot of online engagement.

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The problem was getting bums on seats in Gold coast.

It was a huge venue and away from the two big capital cities.


I attended 2 years and it definitely felt like a big enough crowd and didn’t feel empty.

Agree though that if numbers in the venue are a factor it could easily be held somewhere smaller or in one of the capital cities. A TV studio with a small crowd would even suffice.


I was at the last one with paulini etc, we got bumped to the front to try fill up the stage, 2 out of our group of 10 started back up to. We have a photo of them and 2 others and approx 60 empty seats and that was just their section. It does need to be melbourne or sydney and build it up to somewhere people will then travel to.

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They could easily do it in the studio that Insight uses.

There are over 3.5 million people in Brisbane and Gold Coast not counting tourists. I went to the event twice and it was full the first time and people flew in from all over the place. The second time there was freak rainfall and flooding in SEQ which kept a lot of Brisbane ticket holders away.

A lot of people visit the Gold Coast for events, it’s a great place for it.

But regardless of where it is, they need to get the fans involved in the selection again, based on the last couple of selections.

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Broadbeach is still a good 1hour 20min drive from Brisbane. By being held in the Gold Coast it would heavily rely on people making a trek (whether from Brisbane or interstate) for it. So it’s nowhere near as accessible as it would be in a major capital. Also many diehard Eurovision fans likely travelled for it the first couple of times and not willing to do that every time.

I attended the third year it was held as well with the rain. We got up there on the Friday and it poured rain from then right up until the event (and had to stay in the Gold Coast an extra day due to the airport flooding). If there were tickets still available, not being in a capital paired with the rain could also be a reason some people that may have decided to go last minute didn’t end up going. We were up quite close so I only remember noticing a couple of rows of seats towards the back that weren’t fillled (at least in my view) but it didn’t take away any vibe from the event and unlikely not visible on TV.

Basel and Geneva are the final two shortlisted cities for hosting Eurovision 2025.