I thought they called all games from studio, I remember at least 2 weeks ago it was a studio

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Must just be these big games in Melbourne.

looks like this was fixed in today’s NBL game in NZ. The jumpers match the score graphics, the timeout & fouls were shown etc

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I know there was a game played in Sydney last week that was called on-site so guessing Jam TV (who are now producing the NBL coverage) are adopting a flexible approach this season.

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Much better than the hard and fast rules of recent IMG seasons.

And obviously Sky NZ do all their games from the venue.

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I don’t think they have been at the area since that match,

I don’t think they are at John Cain Arena today for the 2nd Melbourne vs S.E Melbourne

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Are these arenas too cheap to produce their own video feed for the fans?

Alister Nicholson calling NBL tonight, Richardson doing BBL.

Matt Russell, Derek Rucker and Pete Hooley calling the NBL from courtside in Sydney.

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A rare occurance to be calling from the venue for these idiots that broadcast the NBL.

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JAMTV not ESPN run the broadcasts.

Yeh I know and they do it on the cheap to try to reduce broadcast costs but it reduces the quality as there’s not atmosphere when called off the monitor.

Seems to have been a lot more in-venue calls this year. Last year I don’t think there was many at all.

I think this is only the 3rd time, that says something.

And yes there was no in venue calls last season (I think)


Ah right. I haven’t seen a great deal but my understanding was there would be more.


Sky have been doing games in New Zealand from the venue as well. Obviously there was none of those last year either.

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Do they really think they can fool people with this


I think that the Silverdome label is incorrectly applied to this shot given they actually crossed to players there around the commentary booth cross.